11. I Lub You More Mommy

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Mateo watched her sleep, as creepy as that was.

She had changed positions. Her head now rested on the arm rest, her legs had curled up and was resting on the couch, her hands had gripped the white coat around herself. He had turned up the temperature a bit for her to be more comfortable but she remained in the same position.

Mateo studied her face. The frown hadn't left her face. She looked very tensed, tired, worried yet determined.

She was a strong woman. But she was also under a lot of pressure right now.

Mateo broke out of his thoughts when he heard a single beep from her watch. And that single beep had Dr. River Johnson jumping to her feet, reading whatever message had been sent to her.

Mateo thought he told that idiota to not call for her until he told him he can.

She didn't even look in his direction before hurrying out, mumbling incoherently. She had a mixed look of anger and guilt in her eyes. She took her work way too seriously.

Mateo picked his phone up. He had to make some things clear to the fucking director of this hospital.

But before he could dial his number, the director called.

"Mr. Simmons." Mateo dragged his name.

"Mr. Adesso, we needed an orthopedic surgeon. It was an emergency." He stuttered.

"She should be given two days off after whatever case she is handling now."

"Yes sir, we will let her off immediately after this case."

Mateo didn't reply to him as he hung up the phone. He was aware that this was how a surgeon's life worked. But he didn't want his tesoro to get sick due to her lack of attention towards her own health.

(Tesoro - treasure)

Mateo caught himself. Did he just call her tesoro?

Mateo decided to shake off all his thoughts and get some rest as he had to start his physiotherapy that day.




River tiptoed across the living room towards the kid's room. It was around five in the morning. The scare and casualty from the blast had died down and they were letting them off for a while. Though she did have to report back in the evening so that the rest of the doctors who were on duty for the last few days could get some rest.

She wasn't surprised to find only Lucas in his bed when he peeped in. Her Kiara was most likely to be in her bedroom. She quickly adjusted his duvet and kissed him before he went to her own bedroom.

Her mother, Susan, wasn't in there. She must have slept in the guestroom or went home.

River closed the door, being as careful as she could.


Well, she was my daughter. So she was going to be as alert as I was. And a light sleeper too. The inner voice flipped her hair like the boss bitch she was.

"How are you feeling, pumpkin?" River asked, crawling onto the bed, pulling the duvet over herself and making sure she didn't touch her baby's injured ankle.

Kiara snuggled closer to her, nuzzling her head on her Mommy's neck. "I missed you." She whispered groggily; her voice heavy with sleep.

"I missed you too precious." She kissed her forehead, stroking her brunette waves.

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