48. Get A Room

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A sudden jolt of pain to his abdomen woke Mateo up from his sleep. His eyes snapped open. It took a moment for him to register his surroundings and realize that he was in the guest room and not the ICU anymore. And then he realized that this early morning torture was the outcome of him turning in his sleep.

And then he realized that it wasn't early morning. In fact, he checked the time on his phone to realize that it was afternoon.

He wondered why he had slept so long. He felt fine the last night.

Mateo had a text. He had several texts but he had a message from River which was the only one he was in the mood to open and it said,

Call me when you wake up. Do not try to get up.!!!

Mateo rolled his eyes. One month away from work and the woman was going ballistic over the one patient she got.

Mateo tried to get up and groaned.

He wondered if she couldn't have just said, 'You can't get up so don't even bother.'

He dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

"Coming." She said and hung up before he could even say a word.

She was indeed crazy.

"Hello my dear husband!" She exclaimed as she walked in.

'Husband? I could get used to that.' Mateo couldn't help the grin that made its way to his face.

"Someone's in a good mood." He commented as he held his arm out so that she could help him up.

"Well I defeated Adam today at the shooting range so.." She shrugged.

"Stop boasting. Sheesh." Adam walked in, looking grumpy. "Everyone know I let you win on purpose!"

Mateo smiled proudly at River who returned it with a breathtaking grin.

"Come on." She turned to the bathroom door.

"Ahhh.. I think Adam should help me." Mateo cleared his throat, feeling really embarrassed.

"No thank you!" Adam scrunched up his face while River gave him a confused look. "I don't want to see your teeny-weeny."

Mateo gave him a disbelieved look while River burst out laughing. He turned to her and raised a brow. "Really? Is it 'teeny-weeny', River? You should know." He smirked at her.

She bit her lips and cleared her throat. "I am not going to answer that."

Mateo's smirk widened as he stepped closer to her. "I thought you weren't one to disagree with facts."

Her face scrunched up as she tried to stop herself from smiling.

"Eww gross. Get a room!" Adam spoke up.

River and Mateo turned to give him an 'Are you for real?' look.

"This is our room, you idiot!" Mateo said, rolling his eyes.

Adam and River looked at each other and shrugged. They did not understand what he had said.

"Adam, help him. I will get his food." River said and left the room without giving Mateo another glance and poor old Adam had "no other choice but to succumb to his conscience and do his duty towards a disabled friend".




Nancy Davidson was out.

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