Thirty: Dead Breakfast Club

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There's an awkward silence as she stares you up and down. "Are you going to tell me why the dead breakfast club was harassing me on my doorstep?"

"They were just looking for Tate"


"There from his past" you keep your answer vague,she can't know the truth. Even if you told her she would just think you're crazy. You can already tell she's not satisfied with your answer, but before she can question you more Constance is coming over grabbing her arm. You slip away while the two of them are distracted going to find Tate.

He sat at the beach crying into his hands. Your first instinct is to comfort him. "Are you okay baby?"

"I don't know you? Why are you shouting at me?" his words become more distorted as he panics more. He's shaking roughly pulling at his hair, screaming 'get out of my head'. You're not exactly sure how to comfort him when he's like this you've never seen if so distress before.

"Baby?" You slowly place a hand on his head he jolts at the touch staring up at you with wide teary eyes. When he realizes it's you he grabs the hand you offered him, pulling you against him. He rested his head against your stomach soaking your shirt with tears. You just listen to his rambles between sobs stroking his hair, saying comforting words.


"LET GO!!" Violet tried to yank her arm away but Constance's grip only tightened.

"Addies dead and it's all your fault", that has violet freezing, no longer struggling against Constance, the older woman easily takes her back to her house. It's silent as they enter Violet taking the seat Constance offered. She didn't dare talk, only watching as Constance made tea for the both of them. The silence is only broken when Constance sits down handing Violet a cup of tea. "She wanted to be a pretty girl, you were a big driving force behind that but I assume you were just being kind" she looked at Violet waiting for the girl to give a small nod. "It's not your fault, I'm the one that sent her out into the world and it does what it always does" she stared off for a moment, her mind going elsewhere. "You know I think Addie was the most like me out of all my children" That has Violet pausing. She had no idea Constance had any other children, and she voices her confusion. Constance takes a moment to answer Violet's question as if she is debating whether she should elaborate or not. In the end she decides too, "Tates my son", and as if to prove her point she grabs a framed photo of Tate and addie.

"I had no idea" Violet eyes the photo she's never seen Tate smile like that before.

Constance grabs another cup of tea when she suddenly becomes serious once more. "Tate can't know about his sisters passing" the concern in her voice has Violet puzzled. Why shouldn't Tate know about his sister's passing? Constance is answering Violets silent question telling her that 'Tate has the soul of a poet but none of the grit that protects him from the atrocities in the world'

"Addie had that grit that's just one of things that she got from me," she turns towards Violet giving her a small smile "You have the same grit I'm sure that's why he likes spending time with you, he's attracted to your strength"

"Do you know Tates girlfriend?" Violets not sure why she asked the question. It's just Constance is talking about why Tate likes her but she hasn't mentioned you at all. She's curious to know if Tates talked to his mom about you.

"Y/n" just the way she says your name told Violet she's not your biggest fan.

"You don't like her?"

"Me and her don't see eye to eye on many things, the only reason I let her stay with my Tate is because she cares for him just as much as I do" Violet didn't pry anymore, instead listening to Constance tell stories about Addie and Tate. 

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