Thirty Five: Endless Cycle

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 The murder house has devoured another family. More spirits collected to roam this house for all eternity. Nothing ever changes there's never hope, once you enter this house you're never leaving. It's the same every time, you only kid yourself if you think something is different. No, you learned your lesson the murder house is a ravenous beast, and you should never get between a beast and its meal.

So you and Tate are just going to live your afterlife quietly away from the other ghost. Completely in your own world, because all the two of you need is each other.

Forever is a short time when you're with your love.

"I'll love you forever" he swears to you every single day

"I'll love you forever" you repeat sealing your promise to each other with a single kiss.

There are a million people out there who promise the same thing to each other. The only difference is Tate and you actually have a future of forever. So when you say those words they hold such a powerful meaning to both of you. The two of you would do anything to keep that promise. Anything to show your love to one another whether that be planting a flower field or murdering anyone that causes you discourse. He'll do anything to prove he'll stay true to his promise, and so will you. 

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