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"You will not join!" The man bellowed at a terrified Lay.


"No buts. You will not join. I will not have my nephew be one of those mutts!" Lay's uncle declared loudly.

"Uncle, please, my friend-"

"I don't care what your mutt friends are doing. That is their life. You will not go to any preparatory high school or whatever you call it. You will join the firm and revive your father's company."


"I don't want to hear another word come out of your mouth." The man's voice lowered in warning. Lay hung his head in defeat. No matter how hard he tried, his uncle would not allow him to become a xaiyon or attend a preparatory high academy.

Lay went to his room and shut the door. Tears entered the boy's eyes as he lay down on his bed. He wanted to join Wen in entering the world of the xaiyon. Even though he probably would not make it onto a varsity team, Lay wanted to be there for Wen as his friend began his journey. Lay wanted to become a xaiyon with Wen.

Wen's text tone sounded on the device surrounding Lay's wrist after Lay had lain in silence for a moment. The boy wiped his face before lifting his arm and reading Wen's message.

Hey, you going to the
xaiyon meeting Friday?

The dark-blue-haired boy let out a long breath before sending his response.

There's no use. My uncle
won't let me get scouted.

What?? But it's your life.

He thinks xaiyons are
mutts and doesn't want
me to be one.

Did he forget that you
will present no matter what?
What about your aunt?
Did she say anything?

My aunt never says
anything that will go
against my uncle.

Ahhh. Right...
What are you going to do?

I don't know.
I gotta think about it.

OK. Lmk if you need

Will do. See you tomorrow.

See ya.
Don't stress about it
too much ;)

Lay lowered his arm so it rested across his forehead and let out a breath. He would have a lot of thinking to do that night. This decision would change his life forever. The blue-haired boy closed his eyes and began pondering his verdict. Would he go against his uncle and accept a scouting notice? Or would he adhere to his uncle's wishes and revive his father's company?


Tuesday 4845.9.17

"What happened?" Lay looked at Wen with wide eyes as the brown-haired boy took his seat the next morning. There were no bruises on the boy's face, but the hand clutching his abdomen told Lay all he needed to know.

"My father came to visit." Wen winced as he sat in the chair and positioned himself to face the front of the classroom.

"How are your sisters? Are they okay?"

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