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"Lissa Fale, Class M: Baixo Preparatory High Academy."

The students remained silent as Ambassador Fortin went through the list of PHA assignments.

"Stryke Fauhn, Class C: Azari Preparatory High Academy."

Kean and Stryke turned to each other and gave each other a bro hug with a quiet pat on the back at Stryke's assignment being announced.

"Gem Gern, Class T: Zydek Preparatory High Academy."

"Balyee James, Class B: Baixo Preparatory High Academy."

"Wil Jones, Class DD: Dune Preparatory High Academy."

Wen grew anxious as Fortin neared his name on the list. What if he did not get into Azari? Azari was known to be the best prep school for students vying for a varsity team. And Wen wanted more than anything to land a spot on a varsity team. No, he needed more than anything to be a varsity player.

So, when Fortin said his name, Wen closed his eyes and prayed with all his might. Please, please, please, please.

"Yywen Kaihan, Class V: Azari Preparatory High Academy."

When Wen heard his assignment, his heart skipped with joy. He had gotten into the PHA of his dreams! He could not believe that Azari had accepted him. Now, all he wished for was that Lay would be able to attend Azari as well.

Lay turned to Wen and gave him a silent high-five when they heard Wen's results. The two then waited eagerly as Ambassador Fortin moved on to Lay's results.

"Lay Khass, Class V: Azari Preparatory High Academy."

Lay could not believe his ears. He had been accepted by Azari?? He was in such a state of shock that the next couple of announcements sounded muffled.

"Jace Lawson, Class MM: Baixo Preparatory High Academy."

"Yekean Li, Class A: Azari Preparatory High Academy."

Wen was so elated that he and Lay would get to attend the same PHA that Kean's assignment to that very same PHA completely flew over his head. That was...until he caught Kean smirking at him from the corner of his eye.

Wait...what? What had he just heard?

Wen's joy turned to complete horror when he realized that Kean was going to be attending the same PHA as he was. They would be stuck on the same campus as each other for a whole year. Being in polar opposite classes, Wen was lucky enough to evade Kean for most of the year. But, now that they would be boarding at the same school, taking the same classes, and practicing in the same compound, Wen's luck was about to run out. Completely. It was nosediving.

"Jaxson Morris, Class C: Baixo Preparatory High Academy."

"Kathy Newman, Class JJ: Dune Preparatory High Academy."

"Jess Reed, Class E: Zydek Preparatory High Academy."



Wen was in a daze for the remainder of the results. He tuned out the rest of the names and PHAs and was solely focused on the guy staring back at him. Wen and Kean locked eyes for a solid minute until Lay tugged on Wen's sleeve.

"Hm?" Wen sounded as he moved his gaze to his friend.

"The results are done."

At Lay's words, Wen looked around to find the students chatting quietly amongst themselves while the scouts observed their interactions.

"As you may have noticed, this school's students were assigned to only four of the ten preparatory high academies. The ten PHAs rotate based on the city's districts, and our district was one of the districts those four schools covered. Each PHA provides equal opportunity to enter a specialized academy, so do not be too sad if you were not assigned the PHA of your preference."

The students had fallen silent when Fortin addressed them, and they remained so as he added, "Now that you know which PHA you will be attending for your final year of grade school, please be prepared to be contacted by your respective PHA and begin the preparations for your transfer."

With that, Fortin dismissed the students and scouts with an encouragement to stay and mingle. As much as Wen wanted to stay and talk to the scout from Dawson some more, he had to leave to make it in time for his shift at his part-time job. He could not afford to miss this shift; Saturdays were the days when he received the most tips and most hours of work.

So, he turned to Lay and said, "I've got to run. My shift's starting soon."

Lay nodded in silent response as he watched his friend dash out of the gym. He was about to follow suit and exit the building when someone calling his name grabbed his attention. Turning, Lay saw the scout from Dawson, who had talked with him and Wen the day before, walking up to him with a smile on her face.

Bowing politely, Lay turned back around and engaged Elvia in a quiet conversation about his reasons for joining Dawson. However, had he been paying more attention to the gym's entry point, he would have seen Kean following after Wen.

"I see," Elvia voiced as she listened to Lay's intentions and desires. She was impressed by Lay's resolve and thought-out plan for his career. "I think Dawson may be just the place for you, Mr. Khass," Elvia stated as she was confident in her selection of students to scout.

While Lay was conversing with Elvia Farn, Wen was in the locker room changing out of his P.E. outfit and into the change of clothes he had brought with him. Knowing he was barely ahead of schedule, Wen quickly stuffed his P.E. clothes into his duffle bag and raced out of the locker room. He had begun to dash toward the school's entrance when he heard a voice behind him.

"Where're you off to in such a rush? Got a playdate?"

Sh*t. Just what I needed right now. Wen released a huff and ignored Kean as the jock walked up to him. He brushed off Kean's jab and continued on his way, but the next words that came out of Kean's mouth caused Wen to whirl around and throw his fist into Kean's face.

"Keep her out of this," Wen growled through gritted teeth.

"Why?" Kean returned as he regained his balance. "It's a genuine question, though, so why don't you give me a genuine answer, Kaihan?" Kean closed in on Wen as he restated his inquiry, "Did she test positive, too?"

Wen glared at Kean with hate in his eyes. How could you ask about her after everything that happened? How...how could...how could you...?

"You know nothing about us, Kean. Nothing," Wen spat as his eyes swelled with tears. Before Kean could respond, Wen turned around and began sprinting toward the school gates, leaving a stunned Kean standing in front of the locker rooms.

Tears streamed down Wen's cheeks as he raced out of the school and into the crowded city. He let his tears flow as he ran toward the cafe and wished that things had turned out differently. He wished that she could still be with him. He wished that he could see her smiling with Kean. He wished that he did not have an endless hole of resentment and anger toward Kean. He wished that none of it had happened.

Wen knew why he was hurting. He was suffering alone. Kean knew nothing, so Wen carried the burden all on his own. He had hidden the truth from Kean to protect the raven-haired, but he still resented him for what had happened. After all, it had happened because of him.

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