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"!" A plea for aid sounded from the smallest of the seven as he begged for assistance.

"Liyam's out getting something to eat," Lay answered in stead of his roommate. "What's the matter?"

Toma curled his lower lip in a pout as he replied, "I can't figure this one out."

Lay released a breath as he looked up from his tablet. "Which one?"

"Question 47."



Lay lifted a brow as he heard Toma's answer of what region of academics he was having trouble with. "Oh, I just finished that one."

"You did?" Toma's eyes widened in excitement. "That's great! Can you help me figure it out?"

"Sure," Lay responded shortly before setting his tablet on the table in front of him and uncurling his legs from against his chest. Once his legs were uncurled, Lay stood to his feet and made the short walk over to his friend in need. Sitting beside Toma, Lay looked at his friend's tablet and motioned for the stylus.

Toma was quick to oblige and readily handed over his stylus. "Here," Lay began as he pointed to the first equation embedded within the question. As Lay began helping Toma work through the chemistry problem, Liyam, Stryke, and Kean returned with several trays of food for the group to share.

The seven were using the weekend to study for the end-of-term exams that were around the corner. Their first semester at Azari seemed to have flown by like the wind. None of the seven could believe exams would begin that upcoming Monday. While Wen was dumbfounded by the fact that the semester was quickly drawing to a close, he was more stunned by the thought that the JV auditions would quickly follow the end of the term.

He had been maintaining his routine of studying during the day and training when night fell, but he now felt pressed to practice harder than ever with the realization that there were only two weeks until the auditions. Wen had no idea what the auditions would consist of, so he tried his best to practice everything. He did strength and conditioning, endurance training, and practiced the basics in martial arts. He also did his best to learn as much as he could about the three xaiyon kinds he had been introduced to throughout the semester.

"You should take a break, Wen. Come eat something." Lay's voice brought Wen away from the ebook he was reading that dived into every aspect of the lyr xaiyon kind.

Looking up from the thin piece of glass that projected a hologram of the ebook just above its surface, Wen set down his tablet and joined the rest of the group in taking a break for lunch. Toma popped open another can of Gized and chugged a few drinks before happily selecting a piece of fried chicken from one of the trays and dipping it in a thick sweet and spicy sauce.

Lay used a pair of chopsticks to serve himself a scoop of noodles before selecting a rice roll and adding it to his plate. Wen joined Toma in taking a few chicken tenders while the others filled up their plates with various delicious foods.

"So, you guys think you're good for exams?" Brix asked the group while going in for a handful of seasoned fries.

"Heck no!" Toma exclaimed in reply.

"Can anyone ever be ready for exam season?" Stryke mumbled as he sipped from his drink.

"I'm good." Liyam's comment caused Toma and Stryke to stop what they were doing and look at him in amazement.

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