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♪ best friend━━━━━━━

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best friend

A ray of sunlight caressed her hair through the window as she took out her slate.

She wrote down the answer she thought was right and lifted it up to show her teacher.

"Very good Miyuki, that's perfect." said her teacher as she wrote the answer on the board.

She looked at Yokai, and she gave her a smile and pretended to applaud.

Yokai was the first girl to talk to her this year.

Miyuki had never had a friend before, so it was strange for her. She could still remember feeling her heart pound with excitement just at the thought of having a friend.

The two of them laughed a lot and spent a lot of time together.

Miyuki no longer spent recess alone, watching her classmates laughing at each other.

Now she had a friend to share her time and secrets with.

School was a lot more fun with a friend.

Miyuki was happy to have met someone like her. A girl she could really trust, a girl who accepted her as she was.


Class came to an end and the two friends get up to go to the playground.

Then Miyuki remembered she'd left her slate on her table so she quickly turned back to fetch it.

She'd never asked Yokai to learn sign language, she didn't want to bother her by learning a new language just for her.

Besides, she didn't mind writing down everything she wanted to say, she was used to it by now.

"I wish I was smart like you." Yokai said as the two girls walked through the playground.

Miyuki laughed and opened her pen to write on her slate, "You're just as smart as I am. We have almost the same grades."

Yokai laughed and shook her head from side to side.

"You've got something extra, I don't know where you get all that culture from. It's too bad you're mute."

Miyuki stopped suddenly, then turned her head towards her, frowning.

It was the first time her best friend said something degrading about this subject. She was rather surprised.

"What are you talking about, Yokai ?"

Her friend huffed and said, pointing at her, "Look, it's boring waiting every time for you to write down what you want to say."

Miyuki frowned as she wiped her slate clean and wrote, "Boring ?"

Yokai looked away as she crossed her arms over her chest. She pursed her lips and looked into Miyuki's eyes again.

"You know what I mean Miyuki. You slow down the class a lot too, you know ?"

"I don't understand, it's never bothered you before."

"Yes it didn't bother me, but as time goes by I realize you have to be patient with someone like you. Sometimes, I wish I had a normal best friend."

Miyuki opened her mouth, rather shocked at what she'd just heard.

Her heart clenched and her eyes began to sting.

"You can learn sign language if it bothers you that much, so we can both talk faster."

Yokai laughed as she read what the mute had written and said, looking into her eyes mockingly, "Because you think I'm going to learn a new language just for you ?"

Miyuki dropped her arms to her sides before a tear rolled down her cheek.

She wiped it away, then left.

Alright Yokai, you're not my bestfriend anymore.

"Miyuki wait, you can teach me a word or two if you like." shouted Yokai as she took a few steps towards her friend. But she stopped when she realized Miyuki wouldn't turn back.

Yokai huffed and puffed and then went to her other friends, while Miyuki went to sit by herself at the back of the playground.

She sat in the same spot as before, when Yokai still hadn't come to talk to her.

She began to draw some pictures, which she promptly erased, just to keep herself busy.

Just like before.

When she didn't have any friends.

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