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It was the last class of the day, and Riki was very tired, but he absolutely wanted to do what he'd planned with Miyuki this evening.

He looked at his notebook and played with his pen while waiting for the class to end.

"Riki !" whispered someone behind him.

Riki turned and saw Sunoo leaning over his table to be closer to him.

"We're all getting together tonight at Yokai's house. I wanted to ask you to come yesterday but, well, you were busy." he said, looking at Miyuki.

Riki lowered his head and scratched the back of his head before saying, "Not tonight. But we can do something next weekend at my place if you want ?"

Sunoo huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Why can't you come tonight ?"

"I have plans." Then he turned around.

Sunoo moved his table forward until it touched Riki's chair.

"I'll agree to next weekend, but invite Yokai. It's been a long time since she came to one of our parties."

Riki heard Sunoo's table return to his place.


He turned his head to his girlfriend and as usual, she was annoying Miyuki.

She was making fun of her behind her back, pretending she sang like an opera singer, then laughing with her girl friends.

Riki pursed his lips and looked at Miyuki.

She was drawing on her slate and the last rays of sunlight were shining on her face.

Her hair shines in the sun,

it's even more beautiful now.

Riki was still looking at her when the bell rang.

He began to put his things away, and once Yokai had left the classroom, he approached her and asked, "Do you want to see butterflies ?"

Miyuki's eyes opened wide and she hastened to say "Yes." in sign language.

Riki smiled and they both left the school.

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