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♪ siesta on the roof━━━━━━━━━━

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siesta on the roof

Before going out to eat, Miyuki wanted to go to the toilet.

No one was there, so she went into a stall. She opened her bag to get her hairbrush to comb her hair, but she didn't even have time to bring it up to her head when she heard some girls coming in.

"Huh, pathetic." said one of them.

The voice wasn't hard to recognize.

"I couldn't agree with you more, Yokai." added one of her friends.

Miyuki heard the water running and the sound of their bag zipping up. She could well imagine them standing in front of the mirror fixing their hair or putting on a little more lipstick.

Miyuki slowly lowered the toilet bowl, trying to make as little noise as possible, and sat down on it. She bent her knees against her to make sure the girls didn't notice her.

"I hope for her that she never talks to him again." said Yokai.

The sound of the water had disappeared and Miyuki could hear her walking across the room.

"He's my boyfriend not hers !"

"The handicapper doesn't even deserve to be here." All the girls laughed, then when the room fell back into silence, Yokai added, "Arh I hate her ! She manages to disturb everyone even without speaking !"

Miyuki felt her eyes moisten and dropped her head between her knees, but her bag fell to the floor. Her brush rolled to the floor and a few notebooks came out of her bag, along with the sheets of paper she hadn't taken the time to glue.

She heard the Yokai's footsteps coming towards her and saw her pick up her leaves, which had almost left her cabin.

Yokai read the name at the top of the paper and said to her friends, "Oh, look who's listening." before stamping her foot on the door hard enough to break the lock.

Miyuki was startled and didn't dare raise her head for fear of what she might do to her.

She simply threw the leaves at her, then left, saying, "You can't talk and you still manage to get yourself spotted. Idiot."

Miyuki screamed silently as she felt a leaf cut her forehead. She put her finger on it and saw a drop of blood on her finger.

She quickly put away all her leaves and brush before going to the mirror to see a red line above her eyebrow.

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