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"You're my my my my lover"

Trinity's pov
July 24 2023

Luke and his family along with Kayla flew in two days ago

Kayla and I both got ready for the wedding and drove to the venue to meet with the boys and their parents

I'm wearing a blush pink coloured dress that was tight fitted and went to my knees, Kayla wore a sage green dress that was tight at the top and long and flowy at the bottom

We all met up at the front of the venue

"Aww Lukey you look so good with your suit" I said as Kayla and I finally made it to the family "thanks Rosie you look gorgeous" he said giving me a hug

"Hey guys" I said to the rest of the family with a smile and Luke's arm around me

"Where's Quinn?" I asked "he's a groomsman" Ellen smiled "oh nice" I smiled

We talked for a little in the front of the venue and then all went in and sat down in the back where the ceremony was

I sat between Luke and Kayla in the row of four kinda closer to the back 

Jack Kayla Luke and I all talked for a while waiting for the ceremony to start

When the music started we all stood up and saw Brady standing at the front with his groomsmen

His fiancée walked down the aisle after her bridesmaids

Her dress was beautiful and she looked gorgeous

All of us sat and the ceremony started everything was great they said their vows and it really was beautiful

After the ceremony it was the reception

I was obviously seated with Jack Luke Ellen Jim and Kayla

We all talked and ate the food that was served

Then they did the father daughter dance and their first dance

And then the first half of the songs were slow songs

Couples were going to dance

I was talking to mrs.hughes

"Luke said you guys are leaving on the 30th" I said to her "yeah we're here for a while, would you and Kayla wanna go out sometime this week? Girls only?" She asked me "that sounds really great, I was just about to ask you. I'm sure Kayla would love to go too" I nodded but we couldn't really ask Kayla because she was in a conversation across the table

"Trin you should ask your mom to come too" Ellen suggested "yeah I'll ask her too. We could have like a beach day or something, if you want we could even go to seaside on the boardwalk but that's like an hour drive from the boys apartment" I told her

"Anything's fine just wanna get to know my girls more" she smiled

Luke tapped on my shoulder and I turned to look at him "wanna slow dance?" He asked me and i just looked at him kinda confused and shocked

"Are you serious?" I asked him and he nodded "ok" I smiled and he stood up putting his hand out

We went on the the dance floor closest to where we were sitting

"Can't help falling in love" by Elvis Presley started playing and he put his hands on my waist and I put mine around his shoulders

We kinda rocked around for a while till he started singing the lyrics to me and I looked up at him laughing a little

"You're so cheesy" I shook my head smiling and he let out a laugh for a second "but I can't help... falling in love with you" he sang with a smile on his face

I had a smile on my face the whole song just looking up at the boy I couldn't help but fall in love with

He was so cute all smiley and singing a song that was saying exactly how we felt about each other

When the song ended Luke asked if I wanted to dance to another this song was "Lover" by Taylor Swift

This time I was the one singing and he laughed at me

"Can we always, be this close, forever and ever" I sang "now who's the cheesy one" he laughed a little "shut up" I said mid song and leaned down to give me a quick kiss

After that song we sat down because we were barely taking it seriously anymore just laughing at eachother being stupid

I swapped seats with Luke and sat next to Kayla so I could ask her about the girls day

Luke's pov

"Luke" my mom called from next to me "yeah" I turned to her

"You and Trinity looked great out there, if I didn't know better I would've thought this was your wedding" my mom joked "look I took these pictures" she pulled out her phone

The first picture was one where she was looking up at me like a smiling idiot and I was looking down at her I guess singing to her also looking like a smiling idiot

I've never noticed the way she looked at me she looked so happy and completely locked in on me like nothing else was there

The second picture we were both laughing. We looked so happy, it was like looking at pictures of yourself when you're little and you're just so smiley and carefree

The last picture was when I kissed her. Her arms were around my shoulders and mine were around her waist and we were both smiling into the kiss

"You guys are great for each other, really Luke I've never seen you like this before. She brings something out in you" my mom told me while I was looking at her phone "really" I asked turning to look at her "yeah, you're more talkative and outgoing when she's around. You never acted this way with Melanie" my mom told me and I pursued my lips at the mention of her name

Melanie is my ex girlfriend, she was terrible, really just a mean person. At the start she was what I thought at the time was nice but looking back comparing to Trinity she was awful. She'd alway tear me down and make me feel bad all the time and I broke up with her last year

"How long have you been together?" My mom asked me breaking me out of my thoughts "two months" I told her "that's it?" She questioned "yeah two months on the 20th" I nodded "I would've thought at least six" She furrowed her eyebrows

"Can you send me those please?" I asked my mom and she nodded with a small smile

Trinity's pov

Brady and his wife came to talk to the Hughes' and obviously saw me and Kayla

"This is my girlfriend Trinity" Luke said gesturing to me "hi it's nice to meet you guys, thanks for having me" I smiled "nice to meet you too, nice to see Lukey got a girlfriend" Brady smiled over at Luke and he jokingly rolled his eyes

Jack introduced Kayla and Kayla thanked them for having her too

Him and his wife seem super nice

Not long after the faster party music started playing and everyone was out of their seats dancing and singing

Kayla and I know we probably looked so stupid together but we didn't really care

Dancing queen came on and we were singing and dancing together like no one else was there

Luke Quinn and Jack were next to us dying laughing watching

Overall I think it was a great night


Aww they're so cute!!! Also Mrs Hughes is their number one shipper confirmed

Also Melanie 🤨 yikes

- Roxy

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