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"Sun kissed skin so hot"

Trinity's pov
July 26 2023

I talked my mom and she said we would love to go out with me Kayla and Mrs Hughes

We were going to have a beach day so I wore a bathing suit under my shorts and t-shirt

Kayla and I went to pick up mrs Hughes first because she was closer then went to get my mom

When my mom came those two were talking like crazy

"Do you guys wanna go to the board walk that's like half an hour away or just any beach?" I asked the two moms in the back

"Let's go to the boardwalk there's rides and shops and lots of things we can do there" my mom said "ok" I smiled and started driving

Half an hour later we made it to the boardwalk

I parked and the four of us walked down the boardwalk passing different shops and restaurants to get to the beach

Surprisingly there weren't too many people here today and we found a good spot near the water

We put towels down and took off our clothes

The four of us sat together talking and tanning in our bathing suits on the beach

"What a coincidence that my girls are dating your boys" my mom said to Ellen "I know right, at the wedding the four of them were so cute" she told my mom then smiled over at us

"Trin you're dating the youngest boy right?" My mom asked "yeah Luke, you'll meet him soon hopefully before they leave" I nodded "I haven't seen Luke since like 2019" my mom said "well besides on tv a long with Jack" my mom added

The four of us were talking and laughing

After the beach we were all definitely burnt but we walked along the boardwalk and went into different shops and bought little things then we went on rides which was so funny because we were all screaming and Kayla and my mom are terrible with rides so it was really funny seeing their faces

Ellen and I definitely got closer after this day

We went for lunch at a restaurant on the boardwalk

The four of us ordered and continued our conversations

"Caroline you should've seen them at the wedding, oh my gosh they were the cutest, I have pictures" Ellen pulled out her phone showing my mom pictures next to her

"Can I see please" I asked and Ellen passed her phone over and I saw the best pictures I've ever seen of me and Luke

"He's so handsome" I smiled giving her phone back "do you mind sending me those" I asked and she had a huge smile "of course"

"Kayla I have a picture of you and Jack too" Ellen told her and Kayla looked at the picture and grew a bigger smile "do you mind sending me that too" Kayla asked and Ellen nodded smiling

" truly I've never seen my boys this happy before. You two really have an affect on them" she told us

"same with the girls, the week Luke came to visit trinity she came to work and she was like sunshine, she actually worked cash instead of hiding away in the back baking, she was talking to customers making jokes, then when he left she went back to baking and if she had to work at cash she just gave two word answers" my mom explained

"I'm very introverted, you probably noticed when I first met you I was really awkward. I still kinda am" I told mrs Hughes "you were very polite and respectful that's what I remember, you both were. But yes I did notice you were a little more quiet than Kayla, that doesn't matter though, you've opened up now" she replied

After we ate I paid for the lunch/ dinner it was already kinda late

After that we decided to go home

"Caroline, you Joseph and Will should come meet the boys and Joseph can see Quinn and Will can see Jim" Ellen suggested

"Yeah you guys can all come to our apartment" I added "ok that sounds great, I'll talk to my boys about it, bye guys, great seeing you Ellen" my mom said getting out of the car to go into the house

We drove Ellen to the boys apartment and she told us to come up

We parked then went up with her to the boy's apartment

Jack answered the door and let us in

We said hi to everyone then I went to the couch where Luke was sitting

"Your mom showed me pictures from the wedding" I told him and he turned on his phone and showed me his Lock Screen

It was the picture of us both laughing with his hands on my waist and mine around his shoulders with the darkness of the room and purple light in the background

I looked over at him and he was staring down at the picture

"My second favourite was the one of us kissing" he told me with a small smirk "that one was my favourite" I replied and he looked over at me giving me another quick kiss

"Oh yeah, you're meeting my family tomorrow" I told him and his face dropped and he looked scared

I laughed a little at him "you'll be fine, my mom already likes you from what I've told her" I told him "what'd you tell her" he asked "doesn't matter she thinks you bring out a better side of me" I replied "my mom said the same thing to me" he said and I smiled a little


Mrs Hughes being the biggest Trinity and Luke shipper pt2

What should their ship name be getting kinda tired of writing out both their names

Anywayss bye


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