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"And we took to many shots, think we kissed but I forgot"

Trinitys pov
August 11 2023

Me and Luke were laying on his bed scrolling on our phones and randomly talking to eachother about something we saw or just whatever came to our heads

We heard a knock on the door and Jack came in

"Mom and dad are leaving tomorrow wanna have a party on Friday" he asked us and I just shrugged, not like it's my party or my house

"Sure I'll invite the Umich guys" Luke replied "alright" he nodded leaving the room

Luke invited all his teammates from Michigan that he used to play with some I knew from my brother

All of the juniors and seniors my brother graduated 2021-2022 season

August 12 2023

Today was the party it didn't start till 9 but all of us went around making sure we had everything

Luke and I went to go buy cups and snacks, Quinn went to buy drinks, Jack and Kayla set up lights and cleaned up

Then when we all got home we set up the stuff we bought then went to go get ready

I wore beige low waisted cargo pants and a white corset top shirt with white air forces and all silver jewelry

I curled my hair and did my regular make up

It's was like 8:30 by the time I was done so I went to go sit with Kayla while she finished getting ready

She wore a black strapless top with a shorter Jean skirt and black Air Forces

Her hair was straight and she had a darker lip than usual and darker eyes than usual

She looks really good

We both went downstairs to see all three boys sitting together on the couches

People started showing up and the house started getting pretty full

I don't usually drink but tonight I figured might as well because I have literally no where to be tomorrow and I should try and have some fun

I stayed with Kayla a lot of the night

"Trinity!?" I heard from behind me I furrowed my eyebrows then turned around "Mark!?" I said surprised

"Long time no see" he says putting his arm out to hug, I gave him a quick hug "yeah for real" I replied

"How long are you staying here for" he asked me "just a few more days I needa go home and work" I told him "oh that sucks" he scrunched his face "tell me about it" I replied "anything new with you though?" He asked "yeah, I'm dating Luke" I told him with a huge smile "no way" he replied "yup almost three months" I nodded

"so you're making your way through the whole Umich roster" he joked

Mark used to play with my brother during his senior year and we were super super close, we'd always be talking and joking and just hanging out. I did have a crush on him and I guess my brother told him

"Haha very funny" I rolled my eyes at him

Mark and I still text and interact on social media but it's nice to see him in person again

"You remember Kayla" I said adding my friend into the conversation "oh yeah hey haven't seen you in awhile either" he smiled

The three of us talked for a while and Luke came over "Lukey you didn't tell me you were dating spads sister" mark says to him "yeah three months" Luke smiled wide putting his arm around me

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