Chapter 2

394 11 1

Arthur Almendras

I sat in my swivel chair, staring blankly at the divorce papers that lay on my coffee table. My hands trembled as my eyes scanned the page, disbelief coursing through my veins. Isabelle had done it, she had finally signed the papers. The reality of our impending divorce hit me like a ton of bricks, and a whirlwind of emotions consumed me - anger, surprise, regret, and a deep sense of quiet sadness.

I wasn't expecting her to just sign the divorce paper. I was expecting her to come to me and beg me to not divorce her. Isabelle, signing the divorce paper is just a proof that I'm not the only one doing something that is against our marriage. All these time, I was blinded by her innocent acts. Her, letting go of our marriage just confirmed that she's also cheating on me.

A soft knock from the door made me let go of the divorce paper. "Someone wants to see you," informed my secretary.

"Let that person in."

My secretary nodded and left, closing the door behind her. After a while, the door opened, revealing my father who is staring at me in anger. I tried to act cool. I pushed myself out of the chair and approach him. "Dad, I wasn't ex -"

I'm not able to finish what I'm about to say since my father just punched me hard making me stumble back. "You fucking hardheaded man! Why did you divorce your wife?" he angrily said as he clenched his fist.

I was expecting this to happen. I know that my parents reaction would be like this since they really want Isabelle to be with me for the rest of my life. My parents and Isabelle's parents are close friends. Even before Isabelle's parents passed away, they have already entrusted her to my parents that lead us to be trapped into a marriage that we don't even want.

"Dad, we both know that this marriage will never work since both of us doesn't want it."

"Then why didn't you decline the offer? Why did you let her be all alone now!"

"It's because grandma threatened me to not have all the things I have right now if I don't agree with the marriage you offered me," I replied making him stare at me with pure disbelief. That's the truth. If not because of my late grandmother, I'll never agree with the arrange marriage. I never told my parents about it since my grandmother told me not to do it. She wants me to show my parents that I have all the interest on the agreement between my parents and Isabelle's parents. That's the reason why I acted like I love Isabelle. I showed her love and care despite the fact that my heart is beating for someone else. I know it's not a good act but I provided Isabelle the things she needed.

"Why didn't you mention all that to me? Why didn't your grandmother told me about it?" asks my father. Curiosity is visible in his tone.

"It's because she knew that you'll probably not like it."

My father just glared at me. "If I knew about it, then, I'll let Isabelle find a man for herself and would not allow her to be with you. She suffered too much," he replied.

A part of me feels a pang of pain as those words left my fathers mouth. Those words are like stings. Why is he too concerned on that woman. "I could have just ended the agreement I made with her parents," he added.

"What do you mean?"

"I really don't like the idea of you two being together."

"Then why did you agree with the contract?"

"It's all because of your mother. Your mom wants me to support her on her decision of finding the right woman for you. Since Isabelle's mother is her closest friend, she decided to make an agreement. And they involved us. Since their idea is good and doesn't hurt anyone, we agreed. We told your grandmother about it and she's happy for that. She even wants us to make the arrangement early but we decided to give you more time," says my father making me shake my head.

"Well, it's done and finally, we are both free from each other."

That made my father looked at me again in anger. "You think both of you are free? Come on, Isabelle is a woman and for sure, she's in pain because of what you did to her."

"Dad, we did this for ourselves. You shouldn't be blaming me for all of this."

My dad just stared at me again. Trying to study what's written on my face. When he didn't see anything, he just lets out a deep sigh. "Fine, you finally made up your mind. I hope you'll not regret all your decisions later," he said as he walks toward the empty chair just across my swivel chair and sits on it. Anger is still visible in his eyes but chooses to stay quiet.

"Come and let's have a talk about business," he added making me walk towards my swivel chair. Once sitted, my father started to discuss some things related to business without touching a tip of the issue about my failed marriage.

When we are done discussing, my father finally decided to leave the office and go on with his usual everyday routine. I, on the other hand, continued with my work.

If not because of my secretary, who barged in my office to inform me about an unexpected visitor, I wouldn't be aware of the time.
"Diane, what are you doing here?" I asked. It's been a while since we both decided to try our failed relationship again. We both agreed to give each other another chance since we both have done things that ended our relationship.

Another reason why I pushed through with the divorce. I wanted to fix everything with Diane. At first, when we meet again, I didn't have the interest to communicate with her since I'm already married. Everything just started to fall when someone told me that my ex-wife is seeing another man. I've been receiving lots of photos of her with other men from unknown people.

"I wanted to prove if what your lawyer told me is true," she replied as she walk towards me and sits on my lap. She wrapped both her hands on my neck and gives me a kiss. 

"Yes, it's all true. My lawyer wouldn't be lying to you," I replied. Thinking about the fact that I'm already divorced with Isabelle makes me feel an emotion that I wasn't expecting to feel.

"Why do I feel like you're sad? Are you not happy that finally, we will be free? We can do what we want and go where we want," Diane said making me shake my head.

"Of course, I'm super happy. No one can describe how happy I am. Finally, I'm free from that marriage I never wanted," I replied making Diane smile.

I tried to smile wider but deep inside, I felt a pang of pain. I don't know how to describe it and I don't even know why I'm feeling it. It's as if, I've done one terrible decision by just thinking about my failed marriage.

"Aw, you're not the only person who feels happy. You know how much the divorce makes me feel," Diane said before she leaned to give me a kiss. To my surprise, I didn't respond to her kisses. That made her stop and stared at me with raised eyebrow.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" she asked making me shake my head.

"I'm not just in the mood. I - my - I'm having a headache. I have a tight schedule this week," I reasoned out making her nod.

"Ah, I understand. I also feel the same way when I have lots of projects scheduled in a week," she said. "You know what, let's just get out of this place and have lunch together. That will surely help you relax," she added as she flashes a smile.

"That's definitely a great idea. Just wait for me to fix my things," I replied as I untangled her hands on my neck. She immediately get what I wanted her to do and pushed herself out of my lap and walk towards the empty chair across me.

While fixing my desk, Diane asked me few questions regarding my marriage and the divorce paper. I answered her questions with sincerity. She's really happy and she's making it obvious.

"Done, where do you want to have lunch?" I asked as I walk towards her. She immediately stands up from the chair and hold my hands. I just let her do what she wanted.

"Uhm, can we have our lunch at my favorite Japanese restaurant?" she asked as she pouted.

"Fine. You're the boss," I replied.

We were holding hands as we walk out of our company building. Almost all my employees are staring at us as we pass by them. They're giving me questioning look but I just ignored them. Who are they to criticize and judge me?


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