Chapter 21

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Arthur Almendras

As days turned into weeks and Isabelle's health improved, I could feel a glimmer of hope begin to break through the anger that had consumed me. With each passing day, I saw her regain her strength, her resilience shining through the pain. I knew that it was time to turn my focus towards the future, towards the love and happiness we both deserved.

As the days passed by, a lot of things happened. I learned from Khalil that Diane was brought to a mental hospital for a reason that she lost her sanity. Even her parents disowned her for the things she has done. Because of what she did, almost all her projects were taken away from her. No one wants to work with her anymore that made her lost it.

A part of me wants to tell her that she deserves it but I know it's not right. Maybe, what happened to her is just a test for her. Her bad luck.

I heaved a deep sigh and stared at Isabelle, who is peacefully sleeping. The up and down movement of her chest is one proof of that. I smiled and touched her face making her move his head a little bit but not enough to wake her up.

Tomorrow, she can be discharged. That's according to her doctor. With that, I decided to push through with my plan that has been hanging for I don't know how long.

In secret, I started to contact the people I need for the plan which is the perfect proposal to show Isabelle just how much she meant to me. I wanted to gather our loved ones, our family and friends, to witness the momentous occasion. I knew that their support and presence would mean the world to both of us, especially after the horrifying ordeal we had endured.

The next day, when Isabelle was discharged, we immediately headed to their house. Our son was happy to see her mother again. Isabelle on the other hand, showed enthusiasm and excitement as she welcome our son in her arms.

"Mommy, daddy and I miss you," our son said.

"I miss you too," she replied making me smile.

"Ethan, your mother needs to have a rest okay? We will be going out later," I reminded my son making him jump up and down.

"Okay daddy!" responds Ethan.

To not hurt his feelings, I carried him. Together, we ushered Isabelle to her room. Since Isabelle is well and fine, we let her do what she wanted.

I on the other hand, started to set up things with my friend, Khalil and Liam. Jimson and Almira also helped me.

On a beautiful summer evening, I organized a gathering at the park that we first went as one whole family, under the shade of a grand oak tree that had stood the test of time. My family and friends, along with our closest loved ones, gathered eagerly, unaware of the surprise in store for them. What they know is that we gathered them to welcome Isabelle back after living in the hospital for a long time to recover.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the park, I took a deep breath, my heart pounding with nervous anticipation. I stood beside Isabelle, my eyes locked with hers, and spoke words that would change both our lives forever.

"Isabelle," I began, my voice steady yet filled with emotion. "In the face of darkness, your strength has inspired me. Your resilience has shown me the power of love. And in this moment, I want to make a promise to you. A promise that no matter what challenges lie ahead, I will always be by your side," I said. Those words are true. It all came from my heart.

"Isabelle Fernandina, for the second time, Will you marry me?" I added as the atmosphere was filled with silence.

Tears welled up in Isabelle's eyes as she looked at me, overwhelmed with love and joy. In that single moment, all the pain and anger we had experienced faded away, replaced by the undeniable truth of our love for each other. Love that I can say that has a strong foundation.

"Yes, Arthur," she whispered, her voice filled with happiness and excitement. "I will marry you. I will marry you for the second time."

Cheers erupted from our family and friends as I slipped a beautiful diamond ring onto Isabelle's finger. The park was filled with hugs, laughter, and tears of joy, celebrating the triumph of our love.

As the evening continued, Isabelle and I held each other tightly, knowing that we had overcome one of the greatest hurdles in our relationship. We looked forward to the future with renewed hope and a deeper appreciation for the love we shared.

"Congratulations lovers! Finally, we could see the both of you happy together, of course, with Ethan," greets my parents once they approached us. My father also gives me a manly hug before my mother hugged me. They did the same to Isabelle.

"Thank you mom, dad."

"Thank you for always being there for us and for Ethan," says Isabelle that made my parents smile.

"You know Ethan is our grandson and we are happy to look after him," replies my mother.

We were talking about our son when Jimson and Almira suddenly appeared with Ethan. Ethan embraced his mother and congratulated us.
"Congratulations!" greets Almira and Jimson in unison.

We acknowledged their greetings. Even Betty and Roger and my friend Khalil and Liam came forward to greet and congratulate us. Isabelle and I was happy to have them by our side and be part of our lives forever.

In the days that followed, my anger began to subside, slowly replaced by a profound gratitude for the second chance we had been given for each other. I now focused my energy more constructively, working for my future family to give and ensure them a better life.

Our wedding would become a symbol of our strength and resilience, a testament to the power of love to conquer even the darkest of times. That is how I decribe and put our relation into words. We've been through a lot. From our divorce, knowing about my son's existence and to where we are now. Surrounded by our loved ones, we emerged from the darkness, ready to embrace the future with open hearts and a renewed determination to live each day to the fullest.


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