Chapter 22

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Isabelle Fernandina

Days passed by too fast. After I got discharged from the hospital and got a surprise proposal from Arthur, our family and friends never left me behind. My son always made sure that I'm well until I finally regained my strength.

Remembering my engagement, the faces of all the people I love, I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I couldn't contain my excitement as I delved into the intricate details of preparing for my dream wedding. With a vibrant notebook in hand and a vision in my mind, I embarked on a whirlwind of tasks, ensuring every aspect reflected their love and story.

As I'm recovering, I also prepared a long list of things that I think, we needed for the wedding. First on my list was the food tasting. I wanted our guests to experience a culinary journey, indulging in delectable dishes that would leave a lasting impression. Together with Almira and our trusted wedding planner, we sat around a large table, eager to sample the options. As I stared at those dishes infront of me, the reality of my wedding is sinking in my head. Aside from my own opinion, I made sure to take down notes on Almira's oponion too.

Platters of colorful canapés were laid out before us, each more tempting than the last. From delicate smoked salmon bites to tiny beetroot tartlets, every morsel held a burst of flavor. I sized up each dish and discussed my preferences with the chef, making sure the menu would tantalize everyone's taste buds. Once done with the food tasting, I finally breathed in relief. Finally, the foods are done. I just need to talk to my staffs to help the chief in preparing the foods.

Next came the design of the venue, which I knew would set the tone for our garden wedding. Or, my dream garden wedding. I asked Almira to come with me to visit the venue together, taking in the enchanting surroundings. We brainstormed ideas, sketching out concepts for the flower arrangements, table settings, and overall ambiance.

I envisioned a romantic, whimsical atmosphere, with lush blooms cascading from every corner. We settled on a color palette of soft pinks and greens, aiming to create an ethereal, garden oasis. Together, we carefully selected the perfect centerpieces, linens, and lighting that would transform the space into a magical wonderland.

After we are done at the wedding venue, Almira and I talked about our next plan. The third thing that I have in my list are our dresses.
The dress, of course, was one of the most anticipated decisions. I set aside an entire day for bridal boutique appointments, bringing along my closest friend and family for their input. Each dress I tried on held its own charm, but I knew that I had to find the one that would make me feel like a goddess on my wedding day.

In a small private room adorned with mirrors, I slipped into the first gown. As I twirled, I marveled at the intricate lace and elegant silhouette. My loved ones who were with me gasped in awe, but my  heart told me that I hadn't found my dress just yet. I went through many more gowns, feeling like a princess in each one, until I finally stepped into a dress that took my breath away.

The fabric embraced my curves, the delicate beading shimmered in the light, and every stitch felt like it was made specially for me. Tears welled in my eyes as I caught sight of myself in the mirror. With one look at my loved ones' awestruck faces, I knew that I had found the dress that would make Arthur's heart skip a beat. That moment, I knew that the dress is for me and will just be used by me.

When we are finally done with my dress, together with Almira and Arthur's mother, we started looking for their own dress. Once they found the perfect dress for them, we decided to drop by the nearest mall to shop some things. I don't know what has gotten into me that I allowed Almira and my soon to be mother-in-law enter the victoria's secret. They wanted me to buy a lingerie that they want me to use during our honey moon. I wasn't able to protest since it was my mother-in-law that bought different lingerie's for me.

As the wedding day neared, my wedding checklist grew shorter, and the excitement reached a crescendo. The effort and meticulous planning were paying off, and I couldn't wait to walk down the aisle, seeing Arthur waiting for me at the end. Different scenes clouded my mind that adds up with the excitement that I'm feeling.

It was a whirlwind of decisions, delicate details, and joyful anticipation. As I navigated through the preparations, I realized that every choice I made was not just about creating a perfect wedding day, but about crafting cherished memories that would last a lifetime. And with each task I accomplished, I grew more certain that this celebration of our love would be all we had dreamed it to be.


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