Chapter 3 ~ The Call

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"Come on! We're gonna be late," I said to my two friends, Will and Matteo, who were walking behind me

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"Come on! We're gonna be late," I said to my two friends, Will and Matteo, who were walking behind me.

Matteo let out a laugh, "For what, Joey?"

"He hasn't seen Jackie in two weeks," Will answered him for me, referring to my girlfriend of two years.

"Wait, what's that?" Matteo pointed to what looked like a girl our age who was unconscious lying on the ground.

"She looks pretty beat up. Is she alive?" Will said, hiding behind Matteo and peering over his shoulder to see the girl.

"I don't know. I'm not a doctor," Matteo argued.

"It's fine! I'll check," I said and checked for her pulse, "She has a pulse, but it's very faint. Can you call 911 Matteo?"

"Why are you guys so calm about this," Will said as he paced back and forth, biting his nails.

We both ignored him and waited for the police and an ambulance to show up.

Chris and Christie's Dad ended up calling the cops before we went to bed and I ended up staying the night in case Julie showed up

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Chris and Christie's Dad ended up calling the cops before we went to bed and I ended up staying the night in case Julie showed up.

But she didn't.

We all tried to text and call her, but everything went straight to voice mail or delivered.

So right now, Chris, Christie, their Dad Mr Mitchell and I are sitting at the dining room table eating our lunch. We all had a difficult night and didn't have much sleep so we were all silently eating our lunch until we got interrupted by Mr Mitchell's phone ringing.

Mr. Mitchell excused himself, stepping out of the dining room and we silently continued to eat.

After half an hour Mr Mitchell came back with tear-stained cheeks, a sad look in his eyes but with a smile on his face.

"What's wrong, Dad?" Chris asked him.

"Um, well, Julie has been found but we need to go to the hospital," He said and grabbed his coat that was neatly folded on the counter.

Why would she be at the hospital?

"The hospital? Why? What happened? Is Julie okay?" Christie bombarded her dad with questions.

"We'll talk about this at the hospital," He answered and we all left.

Every year on the anniversary of Julie's disappearance the family gathers and goes to her favourite restaurant and we talk and all that

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Every year on the anniversary of Julie's disappearance the family gathers and goes to her favourite restaurant and we talk and all that.

But this time my and Mase's parents decided that they were going to stay home and spend the day in their own way.

Asher also let us know a week ago that he wouldn't be coming because he was going to be in California for a business function on Saturday and that he had to and would fly back on Monday.

Mase and I were waiting in the living room for the boys to get dressed until our red rotary phone rang.

Julie loved using it and calling her grandparents. The only thing she didn't like about it was that it was red. She said she wanted a light blue one 'like the ocean' and laughed as her father tickled her.

"Hello, Estrella Winter speaking," I greeted the unknown person.

"Hello, ma'am. This is Officer Lee from the LA police department speaking," he said.

"I called to inform you that a girl by the name of Juliet Davids has been rushed to St. Evergreen Medical Center this afternoon and her legal guardian allowed us to take a DNA test," he started.

I felt a pang in my chest as I heard the name Juliet. Could this be our Julie? "I feel really bad for that girl Officer, I really do. But I don't know what this has to do with me and my family."

"Well, when your daughter Juliet went missing eleven years ago and both you and your husband submitted your DNA if something came up, was a match to this girl, Juliet Davids' DNA," he answered.

"So my Julie has been found?" I teared up.

"Yes, ma'am. And we were also wondering if you'd like to take custody of her?" he asked and I smiled.

"Yes, of course, please," I said vigorously nodding my head. "We will be there at the hospital in a couple of hours, we have to book our flights first," I not so quietly said that last part.

"Okay, ma'am. We'll see you then," he chuckled, bidding goodbye and hung up.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Mase asked as I sat next to him again.

"They found our Julie,"

A/N ~

Thank you guys so much for 300+ reads ♡. I really appreciate it

I'm actually really surprised I was able to write and upload this chapter.

But anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and if you did please vote and comment your thoughts.

But anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and if you did please vote and comment your thoughts

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