Part Two

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 "So now that we have our relationship history hammered out, are there any rules you have?" you asked, sweeping the makeup brush across your closed eyelid, leaving a pale pink in its wake.

"Rules? Oh um..." Danny leaned against the table, already showered and dressed for dinner. You were sitting in your robe and hot rollers, waiting for them to set as you did your makeup. "Really I've never done this before. I was just tired of my friends ragging on me for being single, so I used this as a way to go on dates without the risk of being tied down."

"Not a fan of commitment?" Danny shrugged at your question.

"My last relationship wasn't amazing. I just wanted to take some time for myself for a little bit, but they're all partnered up and want to double date and feel bad leaving me out of couples activities." he reached over, picking up one of your single shadows, popping open the top. He turned the small circular pod in his hands, watching the iridescent shimmer pick up the light coming from the windows. "They mean well, and truth be told, I do like dating, I just don't want something serious right now."

"I get that." you nodded, following suit with the pale pink on the other eye. Danny watched you blend the pressed powder onto your skin before you picked up a fluffier brush with a slightly darker shade, blending it into the crease. "I'm sorry your last relationship was rough. You seem like a really great guy so far."

"I could say the same for you," Danny breathed out a small chuckle. "Yours was so bad you hired a fake boyfriend." you paused your blending, glancing up at him with a smarmy look.

"Maybe we will have a fight and you'll sleep on the couch."

"I just mean that whatever this Gavin guy put you through must've been really hard." you pushed your tongue against the back of your teeth, switching eyes again and continuing your process.

"He cheated on me." you finally mumbled, deciding Danny should know your background a bit in order to really play your fake boyfriend. "I came home early from a work trip, got a cab home to surprise him, crawled into bed, my bed, by the way, in my own apartment, and instead of cuddling him, I was cuddling some woman who was sleeping on my pillow." Danny grimaced, clearing his throat.

" I think you win." he said as you set down your brush. Looking up at him with a tight smile, you shrugged. Danny watched as your eyes fell, your mind swirling around one of the worst nights of your life. Without thinking, he took a finger, swirling the pad of it in the sparkling shadow in his hands before using his pinky to lift your chin up. "I think your look needs some of this." he gently tapped his finger on your left eyelid before dipping back into the shadow and going back in on the right eye. When he was done, he had you turn towards the mirror, checking his handiwork.

"I think you were right." you smiled up at him. "Anyway, like I said earlier, I'm not trying to make him jealous. I just didn't want to face this alone. The pity looks and pats on the thanks."

"I get that." Danny closed the pod of eyeshadow, the plastic snap echoing in the room. There was a silence between the two of you as you continued your makeup, adding a thin black sweep of eyeliner across your lash lines. "I guess, no sex."

"What?" your brows crinkled, confused at his words.

"The rules," he set down the shadow on the table and folded his arms over his chest. "I guess having sex would muddle this business arrangement. Kissing is okay, it's a part of the act."

"Oh yes, of course." you laughed, more at yourself for forgetting your own question. Looking back in the mirror, you began applying your mascara. "No sex."

"That's really it, I think..." Danny shrugged. "All other boyfriend duties are on the table."

"One rule, should be simple to follow." you agreed, screwing the top back onto your mascara tube and picking up your loose powder to set your face before swiping a nude lipstick over your lips. "Okay, give me five minutes for my hair and to get into my dress and we can head down." Danny nodded as you got up from the table, leaving your makeup clutter all over it before turning on your heel and going into the bedroom, shutting the double doors and heading for the bathroom.

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