chapter 9

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Gina's POV

I woke up to see greenie was staring at me with crossed arms.

What did I do now, I swear to God this place is so...... Ahhh

My head stung painfully and I clutched each side trying to suppress the pain in my head but it only rang louder in my head.
Like a screeching sound trying to tear a hole through my mind to ring louder inside.

Than I remembered, fire in the tent, burnt things every where, my skin the clothes, the dress.........the.....dressss

The dress..... rejection.......mate ........Marcus......

I was crying, this pain was stinging my brain, there was pounding going on in there, I couldn't think..... nothing

I fell to my knees still clutching my head......

Mia....why is this happening..... I'm remembering already........why is it this painful.....what's going on

'Gina....I....I don't know..... somethings coming,here and there. Our body is evolving, no do I say this.....'

Say what mia,....spit it out my head it killing me.

' sorry...'



Greenie's POV

I watched her clutch her head tightly.
What's wrong with this girl, I mean she woke up one week ago, after passing out instead of dying , well bravo I'll give her that but what's next she's always either fainting or groaning in pain.

It pained me to see her in such a distorting situation. And I didn't even know why.
I just.........

Any way, she's still rolling groaning and I don't know whether I should hug her,..... comfort her, leave her... This girl is too complicated.

She's stop groaning now and is now only breathing deeply. Thank God, I couldn't even imagine her dying....and I still wonder why



Ohh my God! she called my name !!
Her voice's so lovely, I wanna hear it one more...wait!!

I could hardly contain my self from squealing and I mentally slapped my self for that. Until I heard what she called me
"Greenie" where'd she get that from???

"......They're coming"

Uhmmm who's confused!!

"You have to prepare, they're gonna reach here soon."

I stared at her like she was crazy because at this point I don't know if she is or not...I really can't tell with this girl

'And that's why you like her!'

What I don't Like her

'Sure sure whatever you say'

I felt like going inside my mind and punching Theo. But instead I just sighed. There was truth to what he said to be honest... but I don't know,....I.....I just don't know'

"Greenie, you have to tell your leader guy, they are gonna wipe out this you really want that. You have to go get ready. You still have some time.
Maybe you should leave this place, yes that would be better wait they could track you.... Greenie you just have to go now."

I just shook my head with my arms still crossed. This girl was exceeding my thoughts right now.

She looked at me disbelievingly.
And backed away while shaking her head.
What the hell, she was the one acting crazy not me.

Oh for Christ sake.


Gina's POV

I shook my head at him and backed away.

Mia has warned me and now I'm telling him but he still doesn't believe me does he??

Probably thinks I'm some crazy girl they saved by accident.

They have no time, I dont wanna see any blood shed.
Knowing pack warriors, they eliminated rogues.

They considered them as plagues.

Flashback to minutes ago

'Gina am sorry'


'this pain, we're gonna have to go through it for some time. But you'll be in more pain than me. It will be more physical that psychological'

'so you're telling me this pain, it's intentional,?it's not the memories?but how?why ? What's happening mia?'

'remember I said we wouldn't be able tranform for a while, well it turns out it's for a reason Gina.
And this feeling is apart of such reasons. Gina were transforming'

'Transforming? Transforming into what?. I already transformed you're a proof of that.'

'i dont know too Gina, am still reeling from this but your body is reconstructing, that's why you pass out often. inner powers are reflecting. '

'what inner powers? I already have them. '

'yes I know that, these are your hidden powers. They are starting to show now, your body is trying to adapt to these changes that's why you're in so much pain. I've tried to relieve you from the pain but it only retaliates with mentality, thus the sharp sounds.'

'so I have hidden powers within what exactly?'

'i still have no idea but Gina, the matter at hand. Pack warriors are coming to this hideout. They've been found out. We need to warn them'

'okay!okay! Fine !!! I get it. Just please stop screaming my name so much....its too loud '

'yeah yeah, warn greenie,now'

'*sigh* fine,I hear you '


This was why I was hesitant. I knew he wouldn't believe me. Considering the fact that he could possibly not hear them. I would sound really stupid.
If he even gets what am saying.

So now he thinks I'm crazy.
I can't believe it. Am trying to help here and he thinks I'm crazy.

Why do nobody ever believe me.
Seems like every one are dork heads after all

*Sigh* I guess I'll have to do things myself after all.


I turned to the head of the tent and began running towards the leader's tent. Once again.
A talk with "the leader"
I'll dread this day to come.

I couldn't care less about my smell anymore. I ran with all my might and went head first into the tent, I suprisingly got there in time.

Okay that was fast.

As usual, he had people inside. I heard them discussing about the pack attacks once more.

I steadied my breath, not wanting to look like a mad woman who just sprinted all the way from her tent to say
"They're coming".
I don't want such recognition anymore. It's too taunting.

Taking a deep breath, I raised the 
door clothe and came face to face  with a smiling leader.

"Ahhh!!, Just the person I was looking for." He was smiling but the smile didn't reach up to his eyes.

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