chapter 11

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Gina's POV

I banged my fist on his desk in fury causing it to crumble.
I was so angry and saw red.
There were people coming here to wipe out the refuge post. Why was he being so dumb and unreasonable.

"You have to round up some people, pack warriors are coming to wipe out this place. Don't you understand?!!" I yelled out in anger and anguish.

I could feel their steps closer and closer. They were coming closer.
And as much as I disliked this place, I didn't want anyone dead.

"How do you know that?!!. Why can't I smell them?!!. How do I even know you aren't one of them sent to find out the rogues hideout, and we've fallen into your trap?!!" He yelled at my face.

"How can you say that?!!, You smell me, you know I don't have a pack bond anymore!!. I'm trying to help here, please I don't want anyone to die!!!." My tone lowered at every next word as the thought of dead bodies filled my mind.

"I don't smell anything on you. You can still be their spy for all we know!!"
He screamed at me..

"Exactly, if I'm a spy, would I tell you about them. About the attack?!,..... Don't you hear them?!!, Dont you smell them?!!.

"I can't smell anything,none of us can!!. It's either you're stupid or your nose is broken.
Neither to say, I still think you're a spy for them. And trust me, if I find out you're one of them, I'll kill you myself!" He yelled at me.

"Fine!!.....I'll just do it myself.
You're all useless anyway". I yelled back and stormed out of the tent.

I walked over to a little highland that over saw the whole place and sat there just staring at the whole place.

They were all unknowing to the danger that was about to befall them. The smell was becoming stronger by the minute and a frown tore through my face.
It was only a matter of time before they noticed too, but however it was also only a matter of time they got here.

For a few more minutes, my heart pace raced and thumped louder than ever.
Fear?!!...yes, I was scared, very scared. Would I even be able to hold any of them off?!.....can I prevent even a little of what might happen?!!....why don't these people even have warriors?!!!....

As I sat there, I closed my eyes and took deep breaths to meditate a little. I knew very little of relaxation but I had to keep calm to focus on my senses.

Suddenly a gush of wind hit my back. I turned back quickly and was face to face with a pair of hazel eyes staring right at me.
With only a few metres away from me, It towered over my sitting form and my figure was enveloped by it's shadow. It was truly a huge wolf.

A crack was heard and soon others followed, snap by snap, crack by crack, step by step, his body changed and his human form advanced towards me.

His scent hit me, like a bunch of flowers, I was smitten and my mind was fuzzy, my heart beat sped up and pounded through my chest. My feet were twingly and I could feel mia uneasiness.

Gina, you feel this?.

Yeah! he my.

'mate!' 'Mate!'

The memories started to come back. The pain I felt in that tent flooded my body and mind.
My head pounded, my heart beat raced, my neck itched, my blood burned, my eyes itched.

I fell to my knees, breathed deeply and I heard a thud. I looked up to meet his knelt figure, panting just as I was.

My heart race turned to pains. It was tearing me apart. My skin was tingling and my neck burned this time.

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