chapter 19

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As Gina went over to the her peoples' stay, she met them all on their knees.
Elderly, mothers, fathers, young ones, pups........

They were all knelt down............bowing.
As they bowed, they began to chant;

"Our queen...... thank you."

"Our queen...... thank you."

Her heart was overwhelmed and overfilling with excess care and responsibility.
And at this, she swore their safety, no matter the consequences.
They were her responsibility.

The rogues had no other idea than to commit full loyalty to this girl.
She was, truly, their queen.

She'd defended them from those witches without even endangering their pups and families for a moment.

All that was on the line, at that moment, was her life, and yet she came out unscathed.
Truly they'd been wrong about her before.
Now, they owed her their lives.
And they swore to pay in full.
They'd serve her till their last breathso.

She couldn't help it.
She bowed back to them.
"Thank you!...."
She'd whispered.
"Thank you for believing and trusting me...... I.....I...."

She teared up silently.
She didn't even have the courage to spill the sentence..

She loved them!!
They were now her family.......
They'd been far better than her actual pack had treated her.
So she'd truly protect them and lead them with all she had.

Although, all these had been said in her thoughts, all the wolves heard it.
They were in awe.
That was a mind link, just like the day with the raid.
If they had a pack link then that meant..........
This Queen of theirs had finally made them a pack.
A new pack at last.......

She smiled as realization dawned on her.
Those thoughts.....was as a result of a pack link.
So......they were now fully certified by the Goddess.
They were a pack. 

Gina's POV

I stood up in joy.
We were now one.
A pack......

They all raised their heads with smiling faces.
They knew too......

"We did it!"
I pumped my fist in the air.

"We are now together as one.
We did it wolves....... we're a pack!!...."

The wolves cheered loudly and threw their fists in the air.

I smiled.
"Now!.....we shall be known as the Burning crescent Rage....."

They cheered even louder and nodding at the name.
It's no mystery.

The name, their shine to still survive and live,to be alive, for their generations.
Care, empathy , pain , passion , fear , love, care, anger.
All of these shown under the beam of a crescent moon, the first and sharpest time of a moon. Most evidently, their anger against the death and unfilal rules of their packs.
Thus the name,
Burning Crescent Rage.

"Gather around now wolves,..... Firstly, I'll need an average of hundred wolves for our defenses. Male and females included. "

Strong bulky men and slightly toned female stepped forward.
Lining the edge from which I stood.

I nodded.
A hundred, wasn't really much, and with such little time, we could be underhanded.
We'd need a plan B.

Immediately, after I dispersed the wolves, I set off to train the trainee wolves, together with greenie and a red head female.

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