chapter 7

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All I could do was absently Stare ahead unsure what to do. Was there even anything to do? My head, ached slightly and I let out a soft groan as I closed my eyes and held my head with on hand. 

“So are you gonna tell me what happened?” Kerian questioned, briefly glancing up at me. 

Opening my eyes I watched as he cleaned the scrap on my right arm delicately with the softest touch, I admired and always fawned over how gentle Kerian was with me. It was one of the reasons I loved him.

When I didn't respond he looked up at me again, only this time much more expectantly as he paused in his work. 

Blinking a few times I snapped out of my lovesick puppy daze and focused on him. “S-sorry what did you say? I zoned out.”

“I can tell, I asked you if you were gonna tell me why I'm here bandaging you up and playing doctor on my day off.”

“Oh…” My voice trailed off and I looked away thinking about what happened at the pool. How I saw Some kind of dark version of jade and Matt's body floating in the water with his eyes missing. It was all still very fresh in my mind and I felt goosebumps crawl across my skin as my stomach churned just at the thought of it.

“I um…I was just tired from lack of sleep and slipped.”

Kerian stared at my bandaged arm with an unreadable expression. “Ava…”

I returned my attention to him and he looked back up at me with a somewhat hurt expression. “You may be clumsy At times but I know you're not that clumsy.”

I bit the inside of my cheek feeling bad about lying to kerian, he's always been supportive but I don't really see how talking about what I saw would really help. That he could help.

“I just– I'm not sure exactly what I saw nor if you would even believe me.” I admitted. 

He smiled a bit andreached up with one hand to touch my cheek. “I've seen some crazy stuff working here. I doubt anything you say Is gonna surprise me. And nothing you say will change how I feel about You.”

I smiled and leaned into his touch, feeling reassured by his words. “Just, don't go ratting me out to the director or telling everyone I'm crazy okay? You might think taking a few days off work would help but it really won't.”

“Alright I won't.” He assured me before working on my other injured arm.

Taking a deep breath I tried to recall everything that happened. Everything I heard, saw, felt and smelt. “It was all just so surreal, like I actually felt the watcher change from warm to ice cold in the matter of seconds. And jade– the way she spoke was unsettling, almost as much as seeing matt…”

The more detail I put into it the more kieran's attitude seemed to change. His eyes got darker and his gentle touch became stiffer. 

“D-do you think I'm crazy?” I asked quietly.

This simple question Seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in as he looked back at me. “No! Of course not!” with a sigh he finished up working on my arm and seemed to silently contemplate to himself. 

“Then what do you think?” 

“I– well, from experience this just seems to be a case of delirium from stress and lack of sleep!” He suddenly said cheerfully. Why was he saying that like it's a good thing?

“You just need some rest and proper sleep is all ava ok? Don't think into it too much.” He held my face with a smile practically making me look into his eyes. 

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