chapter 16

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__days later__ 

“We are sending in another scientist in your stead today.”

sitting up straighter I looked at kerian concerned. "what? w-why?!” 

Flipping a page on his chipboard he finished reading the notes and looked towards me. “samples. We need samples from S-59.”

“but– we've already gotten so much information about him the past few days from my visits isn't that enough?!”

kerian sighed before standing up to step over to me. “Ava I understand it's not easy going in there to speak with that thing each day but you've hardly scratched off half the questions on the list I've given you. The director wants results, information. not the musings a monster–

I had turned my gaze away feeling upset over the conversation. Kerian seemed to hesitate when seeing this and waited a moment before suddenly grabbing my face gently.

The action surprised me and I looked up into his eyes confused. “You've done well, but the director is an impatient man… with the knowledge you've shared, we now have a better chance at learning about the creature.

Today we will gather samples from it, and if all goes well then tomorrow you will go back to speaking with the creature. understand? just take the day off to relax and unwind.”

I relaxed a bit but still felt like this was a bad idea. “What if he doesn't let you gather samples?”

Kerian was silent for a moment before his hands fell away from my face to return to his pockets. “don't worry, we know what it is capable of now to some extent, we've taken precautions to avoid casualties.”

‘So they really planned this whole thing out. by precautions kerian must mean they have an evacuation plan to avoid any deaths, I just home S-59 isn't in a bad mood when I go in tomorrow.’

sighing I nodded in understanding. “Okay then I'll see you in the observation control room tomorrow.”

Kerian smiled. “then go on and get some rest.”

He led me out of his office and I made my way down the hall back to my quarters as I thought about how S-59 might react to another scientist.

‘would he tell them off and refuse to cooperate? maybe… but I don't think it's because it won't be me in there, even if I was the one to carry out the sampling, I doubted he would be very happy about it.’ 

slapping my cheeks I tried to distract myself. thinking about it would only end up making me stressed out, I'll just have to wait until tomorrow to see how things go.

__the next day__

Upon entering the observation control room I was greeted by the sight of the glass walls blast doors closed, blocking out all visuals of the other side. 

Many of the scientists in the room looked visibly upset and Kerian was standing by the glass wall, seeming unusually frustrated. 

As soon as I entered the room some people went quiet and their gazes turned towards me making me feel nervous. ‘What is happening?’

kerian seemed to notice the silence and turned to see me, his frustration seemed to melt away at the sight of me as he quickly walked over. “Ava!” He said my name excitedly.

I couldn't help but look around at the many eyes watching me, and noticed the director wasn't in the room for once. 

“what happened?” I asked looking up to kerian. his face fell as he avoided my gaze before taking my hand and slowly walking me to the airlock. “things didn't go as they were supposed to. S-59 turned violent suddenly and a few people were killed, so there's been a change of plans today.”

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