chapter 18

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“miss, Ava?”

gasping I opened my eyes to find myself lying in a hospital bed with kerian at my side. “You're awake. I'm relieved.” He sighed before leaning back. 

I could only stare at the ceiling and blink, confused. looking around I realized I was in the medical ward of the bunker. Two nurses were busy cleaning up across the room as Kerian sat In a chair next to my bedside watching me. 

as one of them brought over a clipboard for him he looked it over before waving them off. Both nurses were quick to leave the room leaving us alone together.

I couldn't help but stare, unable to form any words or even comprehend what was happening.

“You seem confused. I assure you, that you are not the only one experiencing that feeling. Can you tell me what happened?  you were sent into the observation room a few days ago to retrieve some samples, do you remember that?” He questioned.

I tried. I tried to think back to what happened, tried to remember anything past me entering the containment cell but my head started throbbing and everything was too blurry. I grabbed my head whining when the pain seemed to only get worse the harder I tried to remember.

He looked over his clipboard and flipped to the next page reading some of the notes and data on the sheet with great interest. “After losing contact with you we had to wait three days for s-59 to calm down and return to its vault. when the room was cleared of the dark mist we found you lying on the floor sleeping peacefully. 

dragging you out of there you were quarantined and we ran tests to determine what might have happened. you seemed to have suffered from blood loss despite the lack of injuries.” kerians blue eyes moved back to me as I slowly lowered my hands from my face and inevitably clutched my chest.

“you don't remember any of it do you?” I looked at him confused as he stared at me, intrigued by the way I kept my hand on my chest. He then started pacing back and forth muttering to himself. 

“you can't conjure up the memories of what took place in there but subconsciously you still have those memories locked up somewhere deep in the back of your mind.” He leaned in, Brushing my cheek with my fingers as he looked at me and smiled. “fascinating.”

shaking my head and blinking I tried to understand what kerian was saying but none of it made sense. 

“i-i don't understand…what is happening?” I asked exasperated.

he looked me over, seeming to think about how he could explain the current situation. After a moment he sat on the edge of my bed. “we believe you're suffering a concussion. possibly due to s-59 lashing out. you might have fallen and hit your head while attempting to retrieve the samples the other day, hence why you can't seem to remember anything.” 

something felt off about kerians explanation but it was the only thing that even remotely made sense.

“For now you are to spend the rest of the day here to recover until we are sure there's no changes or sudden declines in your health. If you remember anything at all or start to feel strange, tell the nurses to summon me immediately. I do not wish to lose you to some head trauma while under my care...”

hearing that last bit made my heart skip a beat. Does Kerian really care for me that much? his hand brushed the side of my cheek briefly, before he got up, returning to his usually callous self. “I'll check in on you tomorrow and we will decide what to do then. I feel sorry for sending you in there while the creature was unstable, I should have waited but I was desperate to get those samples under the director's orders. I hope you will forgive me…for now just rest, Ava.”

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