Familiar eyes

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After we reach Panchal, Aswathama welcomed us. And then he explain o us that he won't be participating since King Drupad is his father's friend so his daughter is like a sister to him."
"Is that a real reason or is the princess ugly?" Ask Duryodhan teasingly.

Aswathama replied smiling, "Have you not heard? great sages writes poem about her beauty and anyone who saw her says she's the most beautiful creation of Bramha Dev. Not only her beauty, my sister Draupadi is full of grace also." 


The name sound familiar. Where have I heard it before? Maybe it was the travel or tiredness my head feels light. 

"Bhrata Karna? Are you fine?" Dussasan asked me.
"Yes, Just tired." I replied as we go inside the guest chamber.

We came out to explore the city. 

"Mamashree, Aswathama says the Swayamvar is a competion of the best archer as Maharaj Drupad wants the best archer to be his son-in-law." Duryodhan says to Mamashree who pats his back and replies, "that's better my child. you are a great archer yourself no matter what guru Drone says." 

We left our royal attire and started exploring the place that seems very mysterious to me but again, so familiar. 
I have explored a lot of Panchal in just 1o days but I feel like something is yet to be found. 

"Mitra Karn!" Duryodhan calls me as he sees me walking out in the morning. "Where are you off to?"
"Just the forest, it is so different than other forest." I tell him fixing my arrows.
"Should I come along?" Duryodhan ask, he must be tired roaming the market with Mamashree. And we started our journey to search what is it in Kampilya that's calling me in.
Duryodhan mention on our way that after coming here I look different, like I am happy.

We decided to enter the Kampilya Palace when the ceremony was 3 days away. I roamed around Kampilya and Panchal for 27 days and I am still not content. After we got freshen up MamaShree says to Duryodhan, "I hope you will do well. To make sure you gets the throne, it is very important to gain Drupad's aid." 
"What are you talking about, Mamashree?" Dussasan ask.
Duryodhan smiles and and answer keeping his hands on Dussasan's shoulder. "Mamashree heard somewhere that there are very less people who can lift this bow." He looks over Sakunee Mama and continued, "Even if I can't, My friend will help me. He win the swayamvar for me." He said and looked at me.

I gave an assuring smile. "I will"

At night after dinner,  I came out to take a walk in the garden. Duryodhan said I won't find anything in the Palace Garden which I didn't find in the marvelous forest of Kampilya. Only is he knew what I was about to see.
As I keep walking I see someone sitting on the ground. She is wearing a yellow lahenga with her long wavy hair open. So I can't see her face. I keep walking towards her, intrigue. 'Is she crying?'. For no reason my heart started beating. And I keep walking. Maybe she felt someone coming towards her. She turned around. And my heart sank. Her siren eyes looking in mine. Almond shape, brown orbs, black kohl. Her eyes is red, and wet. She was crying. I feel like I have seen these eyes before. I didn't see anything else.

Just then, a women comes running bringing a bowl of water and cloth. "Only because you don't want to, you can't just go against your father. I know its scary but marriage is a part of life." The women says trying to wipe the girl's face then she notice the girl staring. as she turn around, she saw me and suddenly stands up keeping the girl behind her. She says, "This is my grand-daughter Rajan. She was crying because her wedding is fix. Please forgive me." 

I realise she is lying. The girl must be one of the royals and the women must be her nanny. But I walk away. I couldn't say anything, I just walk away but her eyes, I feel like her eyes will haunt me forever. But it was the most beutiful eyes I have ever seen.

The next day me, Duryodhan and Dussasan got dragged by Mama Sakunee to meet more kings and prince.  Maybe because I know other kings and princes look down on me, I don't really like meeting them like this. I wear minimal jewels so that they wouldn't say I can afford all of these now that I am gifted a kingdom. One of the King says  he has never seen anyone as beautiful as Princess Draupadi. Many agree and I wonder if Princess Draupadi is as beautiful as the girl I saw yesterday. 

I excused myself and try to find my way back to the guest chamber. Just like the place, the palace is also mysterious, I want to wander around. As I walk I heard a noise, a women's voice. I walk towards the room from where the sound is coming from. 

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