Blushing Duryodhaan

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Bhanu and Durshala is always with me, never leaving my side.  We had a lot of fun, they even sneak in my chamber at night. We talk a lot, well they talk a lot I mostly listen but I love their company. They ease up the heavy burden I carry on my shoulder. Through them I get to experience the childhood I didn't get a little bit. Rajmata Gandhari and Matashree Kunti are happy, they said we are living the life they wanted their sons to live. Durshala being the only daughter of both family unsurprisingly is everyone's favorite. Apparently my husbands doesn't like her husband. 
Three of us came to feed the Doves, I brought Malini also thinking she must be feeling bad. 

"Bhabhishree, when will my brothers reach?" Durshala asks me.
"In Four/five days." I answer her.
"Jiji, come to Hastinapur soon. I will be so lonely here." Bhanu sure will be lonely, Durshala is also going back soon after the wedding. I still comfort her. "You won't be lonely, your husband will be there."
She shyly laughs. "Next time we meet all of us will be married."
"Except for bhrata Karna and Aswathama." Durshala says and they laughs.
It is true they are of marriage age, everyone their age were married 3/4 years ago. Its been some days since I last saw him. Durodhaan often meet us and brings him along sometimes. We don't talk directly with each other, just listens to others talking.
"But I feel bad for Anga Raj Karna. He is such good looking and many wants to marry him. My sister loved him a lot but he didn't respond to any letter of hers." Bhanu tells us. I just stay quiet, but I do wanna hear the story. 

"I don't think he will marry that easily, he always said he won't get married, even my sister-in-law liked him. When my husband brought up the topic he decline it saying he is not interested in marriage and the girl will also face discrimination for marrying a Sutputra. I was shocked to hear he participated in Bhabhishree Draupadi's swayamvar" Durshala says.
I didn't care if he is sut putra or arya putra. He was just not written in my luck.

Bhanu asks Durshala, "What about the girl in Kampiliya he met?"
Durshala turns to us, "Maybe, he changed his mind when he met her and wanted to get married but after the heartbreak, he decided to stay single." 
The girls feels pity for him but I don't feel pity. I feel guilty. And sad. I know his story about Kampiliya was made up. Does it mean I am the cause of his loneliness? 

"Let's talk with Bhratshree and ask him to help." Durshala tells Bhanu and Bhanu happily agrees. "I have a lot of friends who admires Anga Raj."

He doesn't need help, he just need the will to accept someone. But I keep holding his will. No matter how much I don't want to, I have to let him go completely. Since I can't be his.


Aswathama and I have been lying to Duryodhaan about the stories we told that day. He obviously isn't a fool who will believe that. Today we had to tell him the truth, with some lies for me.

"So, the one who met a girl in Kampiliya after the swayamvar is Aswathama and Karna told that stories? Why didn't you tell about other girls in your past?" Duryodhaan ask me.

I can't answer his question. I did have some female friends but that's it. I always thought marriage life is not for me but then I met Draupadi. The first time I saw her I definitely thought about her the whole night, but the second time I saw her, I knew I would be fine even if she kills me. And she's killing me, a little everyday. 

Understanding me Duryodhaan says, "I guess you two should talk things out."

"I don't think so. It's better she married in your family. Anga doesn't suit her. And I have moved on." I lied.

"What are you talking about? What's going on between you two doesn't go unnoticed to me. Talking out now will be better, her married life has not started yet, so what's the harm in talking things out. It's not like you are running away with her or kidnapping her." He says.

I want to tell him to stop giving me ideas like that.  
Aswathama sigh, "I am not a fan of what's going on right now but its better to talk now. You need to talk to her to get closure. You need to move on my friend. She's like my sister but you two needs to clear it out before anything goes wrong."

"See if you can talk later at the Museum. Dusassan also won't be there, mamashree took him to see a priest." Duryodhaan says. I have never been to the museum before, neither has Draupadi and Bhanu.

Aswathama gets up from his chair. "I have to leave, you guys enjoy." 

"Wait!." Duryodhaan stops him. "I actually needed to talk to you two about something serious."

We listen to him carefully. "What is it? Is everything fine." I ask.

"Guru Dron taught us everything. Some I didn't pay attention but there was one thing he didn't teach us." He tells us.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Well, I don't know how to initiate things with Bhanu after my wedding." 

We try not to laugh and pretend not to understand what he's saying.

"Help me out." Duryodhaan says.

I laughs, "Just make her comfortable first. We can't tell you more than that. If she was just someone who you just want to woo then sure but she's going to be your wife." 

His check turns pink, like Draupadi's often does. But it doesn't look good on him.


Matashree had called me in her chamber and told me that I should start my marriage life soon when I go back to Khandavprsath. She told me to accept Yudhistir as my husband for the first year so that next can be Bheem, then Arjun, Shahdev and then Nakul. The other brothers won't argue and get angry if I do this. I told her about what Rishi Vyas said about putting them into some test and choosing just one to be the one I consummate my marriage with while remaining as a name sake wife for all. But she said he was just saying it because I am showing my fear too much. My mother-in-law said I should do my duty as a wife to everyone to keep the family united. And I couldn't say anything.

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