Pandav's in Dhaaram Sankat

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When we reach Khandavprasth, my husbands told me that Mayasur, a demon will be building our palace. He will build the Palace in just 1 and half year. They ask me how I want my chamber. "I want to see both sunset and sunrise from my chamber." was my demand. So the right wing of the palace will be my mine. Just mine. I will have everything I need there. My chamber, hall, study room, private kitchen, guest rooms, private garden and everything I need. Sunrise, me and sunset.
For now we are staying in hut. My husbands' hut has nothing and is small. They kept every beautiful and fancy things in my hut and its big, doesn't even look like a hut anymore.

I spent more time with Yudhisthir to get to know each other more personally. I won't say he is exactly what I want but he's nice. We did get closer than before which Arjun hates. I remind myself that I will consummate my marriage with him first so I should get more comfortable around him. He is mature, which is a good thing since I get angry fast. I hit him a lot, scold him also. I once told Bheema that whenever I get moody and try to fight him, Yudhisthir just starts being logical and ends the argument.
Bheem laughed and said, "Honestly Panchali, I think Jyesth is the only one who can handle your mood swings. We all get scared when you get angry but he's all calm. He even says its fun to see you angry."

The one year rule will apply from today. From today I will be Yudhisthir's wife, fulfilling my duty as a wife towards him. While others will still be my husband, they won't enter my chamber, hut for now. I won't be having physical relationship with the others. And if they break the rules, they have to live outside Khandavprasth for a year. 

I sit on my bed with Yidhisthir, my heart pounding like crazy. He holds my hand, "Panchali, are you comfortable?"
"I am, Arya putra." I lie, not wanting to hurt his feeling. And It's not that he's making me feel uncomfortable, I am just a little scared. Who wouldn't be? We waited a long time planning to get to know each other first but stayed separately for a long time again. 

He holds my hand tighter and says, "Panchali, I will try my best to keep you happy and satisfy all your needs. So don't leave us ever, please. We need you. When you were in Hastinapur, it was really empty here. Nothing was going as plan. So please, never leave us, and this kingdom of ours. No matter what happens, as long as 5 of us sits in the throne, only you will be the queen and we will follow all your orders."

My vision gets blurry. How come I am such a bad wife? My guiltiness over weighs my scaredness of my first night and a tear rolls down my face. "You all make me happy. Let's just live happily."

He comes closer and wipes my tears. "Don't cry, Panchali."

He holds my head with both his hands and place a kiss on my forehead. And one more on my left check. 

And then, someone enters the hut.
"Arjun??" Yudhishtir calls out seeing Arjun entering my hut. 

Arjun looks at us but walk away fast after taking his Gandiva. 

Yudhisthir gets up from the bed, angry. "It better be something really important that he broke his oath and entered here."

"It must be." I say. We come out to check what is going on and find Nakul standing near the gate. 

Yudhisthir ask him what had happened that Arjun broke his oath. 
"An old man came, he said a tiger is attacking his cattle and asked for help to bhrata Arjun." Nakul informs us.

"He broke his oath just to kill a tiger?" I cannot believe that. "Why didn't he get other bow? He don't need Gandiva for that."

"I told him but he didn't agree and just went inside before I could stop him."

Arjun came back late at night. When asked why he didn't take other bow instead he just stayed silent. Even if it was for good cause since he broke the oath he has to leave tomorrow morning and stay outside Khandavprasth for a year. 
Yudhisthir tells me, "Panchali, I will come see you after Arjun leaves."
We all know why Arjun did what he did. He was angry that Yudhisthir is with me. 

In the morning we see him off at the gate. "Panchali, wait for me." He says. "I will comeback to you soon."

Yudhisthir took it hard, he blames himself for Arjun's going away. Me, Bheem, Shahdev and Nakul tries to comfort him but he didn't eat anything for two days. He only stayed inside his hut.

I forced him to eat food with his brothers, I serve them.
"I should have let him have the first year, after all he won the swayamvar. He must have felt betrayed by me." Yudhishtir says.

A maid comes to the door and says, "Maharaj, Rishi Durvasa is here."
"Panchali, you go first. We will wash our hands and come out.

I went out to meet the respected sage and touch his feet. 

He blesses me and ask, "Putri, where is your husband?"

Before I could answer Yudhisthir greets him. "We are here Rishivar, although Arjun is not here at the moment."

Shock at the answer Rishi Durvasa ask for an explaination. Yudhisthir tells him why I am married to all 5 brother and why Arjun is not here. 

"Unacceptable!!" Rishi Durvasa says. "I came here to bless you because I heard all of you got married but you all married the same girl?" 

Yudhisthir tries to explain but he doesn't listen. 

"If one day someone ask Draupadi to call her husband is she suppose to ask 'which one'? If someone cast a curse of her husband then all 5 of you will suffer? Do you think only Arjun will have a problem? One by one you all will fall apart. And only to follow some words of your mother you turn the life of a girl into hell.. And all 6 of you agreed to this?"

We just stand quitely. 

"I don't accept this marriage. It is adhaarma. She can be wife for all 5 of you just for the sake of following your mother's word. But if more than one of you keep a marital relationship with her then I curse you, anywhere you rule, there will be incurable disease and the people will suffer."

Hearing his words, I touch his feet and say, "Please don't cure Rishivar. What have the people done that they should suffer. Curse us if you have to."

Yudhisthir, Bheem, Shahdev and Nakul also begs him but he walks away.
"What did I expect from you guys, you don't even respect your elder."


Guys, I have given Draupadi a weaker character on purpose. If she could stand up for herself then things would have turned out differently. And most stories also shows Draupadi's intelligence and how she manages the palace but I it will be different here so stop texting me to make Draupadi stronger. 

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