the party

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As I let out my last breath the door opens to reveal Tara with a red solo cup with some sort of clear liquid in it.

"Hi y/n I can't believe you came....come in!!" She screamed over the loud music and people yelling I walked inside and took a glance around.

There were drinks everywhere flashing lights people getting shit-faced and gossiping loudly to be able to hear each other I quickly snapped back into what I was doing.

I give Tara a big hug " Tar you know I would never stand up like that babe."

"Aww, I know n/n (nickname) I missed you so much tell me how you have been since high school." I let out a small laugh.

"Well, I've been writing a lot more music I'm also thinking about starting a YouTube channel where I post song covers and other content of me just messing around."

Tara smiles letting me know she's listening to me I take a pause from talking to let her speak and she does.

"Y/n serious I've seen songs you've written and I know that making music has always been your passion and if you wanted to I think you could be big in the music industry so personally I think you should make that YouTube channel."

I think for a second I rather am passionate about music it has always been my dream to tour sharing my stories and experiences through my music that other people can connect to I was about to speak but she got to it before me.

"Oh you have to meet my friends I've told them so much about you" Tara spoke with excitement grabbing my hand and pulling me into the crowd.

I started getting a little nervous what if they don't like me what if I'm annoying what if- stop y/n suddenly we came to a halt I looked up to see two boys one with blonde hair and the other one with dark brown hair.

"Y/n this is Sam and Colby." She points to the blonde one and then to the boy with brown hair I smile nervously praying I don't make a fool of myself.

Sam and Colby both smiled excitedly Colby was the first one to speak "So you're the famous y/n Tara can't stop talking about" he let out a friendly laugh.

Sam begins to say "It's nice to meet you I hope to see you around." I nod with a big smile "Me too" Tara introduced me to a few more people who were kind I think their names were Kris and Selena they give off loving vibes.

I turned around to get a drink and when I turned back to see Tara's gone great now I'm stuck alone in a house full of people who I barely know.

I start walking around trying to find her saying sorry to the people I accidentally bump into I look over my shoulder and I run into someone.

"Fuck I'm so sorry" I look up to see Colby "Are you okay you look lost ?" I shook my head "I'm fine I guess I just-" As I was about to finish my sentence the music paused and someone familiar started talking into a microphone.

Everyone including me turns their head in the direction of the voice revealing a small makeshift stage and Tara talking through a microphone.

"Hi everyone so my best friend is here tonight and she is so talented when it comes to music and she doesn't know but right now I'm going to force her to sing a song that she wrote because a talent like this shouldn't be hidden..... Y/n get your ass up here."

Colby looks down at me with a sly smirk I slowly make my way to where she is trying to regulate my breathing.

I get up on the makeshift stage and she gives me the mic and a guitar and she sits on the stool staring up at me.

I take a deep breath and I stare out at everyone all eyes are on me.

My thoughts are running a hundred miles per hour my hands are cramping and sweaty from how tight I'm holding the mic.

I try to think of a song the only one I can think of is the song that I just finished today outside I closed my eyes and started to sing

You bring me to my knees
All the times that I could beg you, please
In vain
All the times that I felt insecure
for you
and I leave my burdens at the door

But I'm on the outside I'm looking in
I can see through you see your true colors
cause inside you ugly you're ugly like me
I can see through you see to the real you

All the times that I felt like this wouldn't end
it's for you
and I taste what I could never have
it was from you

I opened my eyes to see that everyone was enjoying what I was doing and slowly started gaining more confidence

All the times that I've cried
my intentions were full of pride
but I wasted more time than anyone

But I'm on the outside I'm looking in
I can see through you see your true colors
cause inside you're ugly you're ugly like me
I can see through you see to the real you

All the times that I've cried
all this waste it's all inside
and I feel all this pain
stuffed it down it back again
and I lie here in bed
all alone I can't mend
but I feel tomorrow will be okay

But I'm on the outside and I'm looking in
I can see through you see your true colors
cause inside you ugly you're ugly like me
I can see through you see to the real you

As I was finishing my song My eyes traveled around the room

Landing on a boy with black hair black eyeshadow eyeliner rubbed around his eyes two lip piercings on the left side and an emo style......definitely, the type of look to make me freak. ( do you notice the song reference 😜)

We made eye contact for a few seconds until I looked away praying that I didn't blush.

I finally finished the song everyone's cheering I handed the guitar and Mic to Tara and got off the stage all I could think about was getting a drink to calm down my nerves.

I went to the kitchen and took a red cup pouring in a Red Bull and two shots of vodka as I turned around I bumped into someone not again I think to myself.

I look up to see the same guy I was staring at a second ago "Hi I'm Johnnie it's nice to meet you" he extended his hand for me to shake.

I accepted the offer all I could think about was how beautiful he was up close.

" I- im y/n" I stuttered.. why did I fucking stutter.

"I liked your song I was wonder-"

"Oooh Johnnie" a voice with a weird but funny accent yells from a distance cutting him off Johnnie rolls his eyes.

"I'm so sorry I have to go" he rushes in the direction of the voice without giving me time to say goodbye.

........ Fuck why was I so awkward...I probably scared him away well great......I'm alone again.

1253 words

Hii it's the author here I hope y'all are doing good sorry it took me so long to get this out the song reference was to the song emo boy by Princess Ayesha and the song y/n sang is outside by staind I think the next chapter is going to be Johnnies pov......who do you think was calling him....maybe you'll find out next chapter but untill then stay delusional 🩷💋✌️💅

The Party   Johnnie Gilbert x Reader Where stories live. Discover now