☆Apodyopsis (pt.4)☆

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(3rd person pov)

Sooner rather than later, Vrena was sneaking off to meet with Maizie. Which made it seem like she was much more committed than she was.

"How do you suppose you're going to go about solving this?" Vrena sighed.

They were holed up in an old cabin. And she was busy crossing her arms at the doorway while Maizie was slumped in a chair by a decaying wooden desk.

"We need all the help we can get!" Maizie smiled, sitting up.

"Oh no, darling, there is no 'we'. I'm just here for show. For you to flaunt. I'm not helping you."

"Yes you are!" Maizie exclaimed, "You have to!"

"Do I really?"

"Do I, though?"

"I thought you were my friend!"

"Ooh, we're barely pushing acquaintances, darling," Vrena tsked.

"B-but...please?" Maizie gave her the biggest puppy-dog-eyes she could muster.

"Do not look at me like that," Vrena scowled.


"Fine. I suppose I did say I would."

"Yay!" Maizie clapped and turned back to her sheet of paper. She grabbed a random piece of colored wax and began to draw random scribbles on the blank piece of white paper. At least, that was what it looked like to Vrena.

"So...I'm thinking we should find a ghoul!"

"The ghouls aren't in on the war. They don't take sides," Vrena looked up at her from picking at her nails.

She grimaced, realizing she needed to touch up her cuticles.

"Exactly! So we can tell them to help both of us!"

"That still technically makes them split, some of them wouldn't agree with each other. They shouldn't be involved. It will just cause more problems," Vrena droned.

"Can you think of a better idea?" Maizie gave her a small, uneasy glare.
In just the small amount of time Vrena had known her, she'd learned she was really bad at glaring.

"I kill you now and go back to my family," Vrena answered bluntly, looking back up at her, her eyes soulless.

Maizie blinked, clearly not expecting her to say that. "Th-that's mean!"

"I truly do not care."

Maizie ignored her and continued to explain her plan.

"Th-then we just get a few...maybe. And they'll all agree with each other, with us."

"They live all the way behind the Saving Forest. That's a long walk, do you expect me to go that far in these heels?"

Maizie made a timid suggestion, "Y-you could always change your shoes..."


Vrena stumbled behind Maizie in a pair of tall, black boots.

"Are you coming?" Maizie looked back at her.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, hush. I'm not that far behind."

They made their way through the Saving Forest, sliding through the thick foliage. After a little less than an hour, they made it to the clearing where the ghouls resided.

"Well, here we are. What's your plan now?" Vrena said as they exited the wood.

The small town where the ghouls lived was nicer compared to where Vrena and Maizie had come from. It looked put together, roofs were whole and fully on top of the cottage-looking houses, trees were intact, and bushes and broken branches didn't scatter the dirt.

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