☆Alcohol Blamed (pt.8)☆

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‼️TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains a scene with sexual harassment, misogyny and alcohol use.
minor smut warning -> if you choose to skip, scroll to red🛑

(3rd person pov)

"Oh, fuck-"

Vrena's groan was cut off by the thrill of pleasure wafting through her veins.

"Ana- Anastasia- oh," her grunt turned into a shrill whine.

Abruptly, Anastasia turned away from Vrena's clit and trailed her tongue up Vrena's inner thighs, giving her a little break.

White-knuckled from tightly gripping the sheets, Vrena's back arched, as her thighs were still a sensitive area. But she was craving more of that warm touch.

Even if Anastasia meant nothing to her, an orgasm did.

Anastasia hummed, her lips a firm vibration against Vrena's thighs. "Mmm, you really do taste as good as they say."

Breathless, Vrena scoffed, "Th-they? Am I talked about that much?"

She knew. She just wanted to hear it again.

Anastasia laughed. "Everyone. Everyone in town knows about this pussy," she said, squeezing Vrena's clit.

Vrena sucked in a hiss, giving her a glare. "Don't start acting so entitled to my body," she teased, coming across harsh.

"Oh, I'm not." Anastasia gave her a rough hickey on the tender skin of her calf, running her hands up her legs. "This is a privilege."

It better be.

Vrena sat nicely for the rest of the time, legs shaking but satisfied with Anastasia's answer. She got her orgasm after nothing special; it wasn't like Anastasia was exceptionally talented in the realm of using her tongue.

Not like Vrena, who had six years of experience to her name.

She had Anastasia whimpering and releasing in under five minutes. Which was weak and sloppy, if you asked her.


When it was all over, Vrena parted ways as she usually did with all of her flings. She stopped at the nearest bar, just to fix her lipstick and hair.

It also happened to be the most popular, constantly flooded with people swimming in and out. Whenever it was open, it was full due to having been closed for so much time because of battle.

Immediately as she entered, the air was stiff with heat and the smell of sweat. The aroma of blood whiskey was potent.

Sliding through groups of people, she headed back to the bathroom, purse clutched closely to her person.

The bathroom, of course, was also full of other women. She had to shove her way inside and ignore the people with mascara running down their cheeks from crying and random girls slurring words at her. It was common.

Pushing forward to get to a mirror, she groaned and splashed water onto her arms. She was already feeling sticky with sweat, her skin stained with the sensation.

"Vrena! You're here too?" a girl called, a giggle in her voice. "It's a party now!"

Vrena could nearly recognize the girl from her voice but gave a quick glance just to double-check. "Mm, just a quick drop in, Kyleas."

Another random girl scooted up to her, "Anastasia is spreading around that nasty sex you two had last week."

Vrena scoffed, letting her lips part as she slid on another layer of black lipstick. She didn't recognize this person; she must've been a new turn, already sucked into all the drama.

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