☆The Pancreas (pt.10)☆

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‼️CONTENT/ TRIGGER WARNING: gore and minor body horror‼️

(Carasein's pov)

Trips through the forest were nearly unbearable. The Saving Forest was huge and took about an hour to get through. It felt even longer with Vrena's constant complaining and Maizie not being able to figure out enough things to talk about to tune it out.

Vrena took her transformation into a bat once we got into view of other people, she stayed a good distance away from us as we cut through zombie territory to get to the stone wall. We tried to hustle through, but Maizie would be constantly stopped by zombies asking who I was, and other similar questions.

Once we finally got through the town, we hopped over the wall and continued forward, going into human civilization.

We stopped a few blocks away from the city because there were abandoned buildings around. There were holes in roofs and paint sprayed graffiti over rotting wood. Dead streetlights surrounded the street, as well, serving no purpose.

There were always teenage humans hiding out in the abandoned buildings, most not knowing how close they were to the stone wall.

The wall had been built by the government many decades ago. Just so they could forget about us. I was sure they knew we were more powerful than them, so they didn't want to mess with us. Some said that a vampire had actually talked to government officials to make a deal, but all the history was unknown, everything rumors.

"Jesus, I need to fly all the time," Vrena uttered, "it's so much easier than talking to you morons."

"Go for it," I grumbled.

I went forward and entered one of the buildings. I could smell them, the blood running beneath their skin. And now I was much more hungry than when we had left.

The humans were all laughing, probably doing some shit with a Ouija board, since it was nearing sunset.

I could hear Maizie quietly scamper up behind me, but Vrena's footsteps had gone off to the left, and she'd disappeared into the shadows.

Little did these people know, they were having the last laugh of their life.

I turned back to Maizie, then nodded at her.

I went forward first.

Their laughing slowly came to a close as I went up to them. But it was okay if they saw me, because this was my favorite trick.

They all looked like college students, so it made me feel less bad, they weren't children. Now that I was so close to them, hunger was nearly uncontrollable.

"What are you guys doing out here?" I said, my voice gruff.
"Are you an officer?" one of the guys asked, his voice trembling.

"If you want me to be."

One of the girls then gasped, grabbing her friend's arm and scooting back. "G-guys."

Vrena came into view out of my peripheral. Her skin being paper-white made it clear she was a vampire.

I let myself smile, running my tongue over my teeth. And a few got up, darting away and screaming.

"No! Please!" a guy cried. There was a hitch in his voice. Then he exploded into a sob. Vrena immediately gained on him, then lunged forward for his neck.

I heard more shouts from behind me and blood splattering to the chilly cement floor. So I could only assume Maizie had caught the runners.

There was only one girl left in my sights now, and she had backed herself into a corner. Her hand was caught over her mouth as she trembled.

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