Chapter 7

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There is a small scene in this chapter where immediate danger of SA is displayed. I have tried my best to convey the situation without making it too triggering, b ut please understand that reader discretion is advised


Faith had had so much fun. She hated to admit it, but the night had been wonderful, getting to know everyone in the MacInness family, dancing with Sean, laughing with Sean... She couldn't wait to tell her sister! What a time they were having in Scotland...!

Where was Grace, by the way? She saw her talking to Margaret but then she disappeared. Faith hoped she was dancing with James MacInness, but he had disappeared as well, which was strange.

"No way!" Faith giggled, as she stopped in the hallway of the extension "Have they...?"

She ran to her sister's room, held an ear to the door, giggling - absolute silence. Frowning, Faith decided to knock - no answer. She knocked again, harder this time, but no response. She opened the door, announcing herself - the room was empty and the bed was still made.

"No way!" Faith shrieked more.

Are they in his room!?, she wondered. But, before she could celebrate, she saw James MacInnes walk towards his bedroom, next door.

"Oh, Mr. MacInnes."

"Hey," James greeted, not looking up as he opened his door.

"Have you seen Grace?" Faith frowned, now worried "I haven't seen her in a while."

"Is she not in her room?" James asked and looked inside "She might be back in the hall?"

"Everyone's gone" Faith was now officially worried.

"Alright." James sighed, pinching his nose "She will be in the building, she probably has just gone down to the kitchen to get some tea or something."

The two followed down the hallway in search of Grace. Faith was sure her sister was fine, but trauma is an interesting companion, and it brings up the most irrational thoughts. Images of her sister trapped, hurt, or worse, came up straight away. Faith had to push them out, remind herself those days were far gone. Nowadays, they are capable adults, they are safe and nobody could ever hurt them.


Most of the family and friends had abandoned the estate. It was way past one in the morning, and there was no one in the hallways of the castle. Grace couldn't sleep, she couldn't think and she could barely breathe. Why was she so upset!? He was nothing to her, just another guy who made no promises and didn't care about her.

Why was he so confusing? Why couldn't he simply A, completely ignore her, or B, ask her out? Why was he playing these games? She cared not for any games, she cared not for confusing relationships.

"I'm too old for this shit," Grace told herself, in the loneliness of the east wing's ancient hallway.

She felt a shiver up her spine. There must've been a window open, it was autumn but still, it was the Highlands and winter would be around the corner soon. It was time, she mussed, to get back to her bedroom, so she turned left in the hallway, and it took all her strength not to yell.

"Mr. MacInnes? Are you... lost?"

The man, in his kilt and white shirt, stood his ground, a few meters away. He was stern, looking straight at her and not moving. Grace slowly approached him - he had been a little bit tipsy, just as she had been, maybe he needed some help finding his room.

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