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18 months later

There was live in the estate, laughter and sunshine. It was one of the biggest birthday parties the lands had ever seen - definitely bigger than Margaret's ninetieth. Little Elizabeth Hope was one year old, and her parents, grandparents, uncles and aunties would celebrate it in style.

"My perfect little girl!" Bonnie giggled with her newest granddaughter "You're so pretty! Yes, you are! You're pretty like Mummy and a charmer like Daddy!"

Grace and James exchanged a surprised look and a chuckle.

"Best example of evolution" James whispered into his wife's ear.

"Oh, she could win a prize! Grace chuckled in agreement.

G. R. Campbell's latest book was a huge success. Fans were sure this had been a huge comeback and were hungry for more. Grace had various projects working alongside one another, and she felt, finally, like herself. Over the last eighteen months, she had been able to continue as the anonymous writer her fans had learned to love. If she were to come out with her true identity, she honestly believed people would be sad - the mystery was part of the fun.

But the biggest mystery had been Seamus’ findings on their family tree. The branch from Robert Gordon, aka Hunter Maddog Grey, had been fruitful. His and his wife's three children had beared a long branch, from humble beginnings in Virginia, to the entire East Coast of the USA, to across the pound to England, over almost three centuries, down to the Campbell family, and Mary Faith and Grace Rose little branches. The sisters, finally, had a family.

"So, let me get this straight" A happy Sean put in to the whole family, with his fiance, Faith, sitting on his lap "There's a whole branch off the MacInnes because of Robert?"

"Oh, yes, the pirate!" Seamus was eager to continue to explore more, but life got in the way and he had put a hold for some time on his and Faith's investigation "By God, do I want to learn more about the fellow!"

"That will be exciting!" Faith grinned, her eyes huge with the possibilities.

"I don't know" Sean shook his head, playfully "Seems to me like a bad idea to add to this family - I mean, look at these two orphans we took in!"

Faith chuckled and slapped his shoulder playfully.

"Excuse me" Grace snorted at Sean "My sister and I are the ones with the pirate in the bloodline, not you lot."

"Dear God, we will never hear the end of it, will we?" James tossed, making Faith giggle next to him.

"Well, we did get the boring deal" Angelica chuckled "All we got was the first woman leader!"

"Pirate!?" Grace snorted again, hands gesturing at herself, making her family laugh.

"Hey, sis" George nodded at Grace "How's the hunt for a new agent going? It's been a while, now."

"It's difficult." Grace sighed, and smiled at her husband as he caressed her back "It's hard to trust someone again with such a delicate thing..."

"Nanna would have been the best agent" Caitlyn put in.

They all chuckle for a moment, and then all turn silent.

"I miss her like hell" Angelica mentions, cleaning a tear and accepting her husband's kiss on her head.

"It's almost like she could literally walk out those doors "James gesturing to the French doors of the patio "And join us at any moment."

"I'm just happy she was able to see Elizabeth" Grace whispers.

"It was a wonderful thing that she was here for that" Bonnie added in, kissing her granddaughter's black hair.

Bonnie was the most adoring Nanna to Beth. Grace couldn't fault her, now, as a grandmother and a mother-in-law. There was a lot to make up for but they were working on it and had their whole lives to do it.

"You know, you two" Bonnie tosses like a whip at her son and daughter-in-law "Just one grandchild is unacceptable."

"Oh, I see what you meant about meeting certain expectations to be a MacInnes" Grace plays with James who chuckles.

"I'll have you know, I endured six pregnancies." Bonnie tossed her nose up and the baby laughed in her lap "I remain undefeated"

"That you do" James chuckled, caressing his wife's lower back.

The couple look at one another and exchange a knowing smile.

"You're pregnant!" Bonnie squeals and tears come down her face immediately.

"We're aiming for five" Grace joked, as everyone celebrated; James stops laughing immediately.

"I thought we agreed on three" He mutters, and Grace winks a teasing eye at him.

As the family celebrated the new life in the green gardens, a pair of kind blue eyes smiled upon them from the tower. Margaret's heart was full, to know that her family would be going strong and happy, even after she was gone, was all she ever wanted. She had lived a full life and created a huge family, it was now their time to make the future better and brighter.

She frowned and looked from over her shoulder as she felt a warmth behind her. A wall of warm light appeared behind her - was this heaven, she mussed. Before she could reach it or react, a beautiful brunette woman walked out of the globe of light. She carried a beautiful tiny baby girl on her lap, and they both smiled.

"Dear God..." Margaret gasped, her wrinkly hands went to her mouth immediately "You're Grace's mum. And is that...? Hope?"

The baby squeals in delight, and the mother chuckles, kissing the baby's brown hair.

"Are you ready?" Beth held out a hand, her voice was calming and warm.

"Why are you here for me?" Margaret frowns.

"We're family now, Margaret" Beth smiles "And oh the stories we will tell each other...!"

Margaret giggles, excited as she looks into the light. A new adventure awaited her! After ninety-one years on the land of the living, she was more than prepared for the next phase. As she grabbed Beth's hand and walked into the light she gasped and laughed as she saw some known faces from her past.

"Angus, you scoundrel how did you make it to heaven!?"

As Lady MacInnes accepted the light and continued her journey, the walls of the estate breathed with a heavy sigh. The future was bright, as long as family always stayed together - either the family you were born into or the family you made along your way. Life was short, and you had to take risks, see the opportunities the universe placed in front of you, and take them.


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