Squidbeak Survival 11: How's Home?

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Everyone on the makeshift boat was fast asleep, drifting their way to the last island. They clearly won't wake up soon.

Say......while we wait for them to wake up, how about we go forward a bit and see how everyone else back home is doing? It's been a long time since we've seen them.












Back in the Takara Mansion, there were two inklings doing some cleaning around the house. One of the inklings was dark-skinned with piercing midnight-blue eyes that could kill, and a buzz cut hairstyle with his dark-blue ink(Without the cuts). He was wearing a butler's outfit that didn't have a single mark of dust on it.

The other one was brown-skinned that had vermilion-colored eyes,along with a brown-orange ink color,she was wearing what looked like a maid outfit (It's a Victorian outfit) and had the double-buns hairstyle.

It was Kimi's Butler and Maid,Bernard Akuma and Naomi Ella-Demonio.

Like what was said earlier, the two were cleaning the house, removing even a speck of dirt off the already stainless mansion. However, one of them -and by them, I mean Naomi- couldn't even clean without worrying about Kimi and everyone. Ever since the first day, Kimi hasn't been answering her calls, making Naomi stressed out about the awful outcome. What could have happened to them? They said they'll be back in three days, it's been almost a week!

"Naomi, I would advise you to please stop breathing heavily on the glass, as we don't want fog on the fine china." Bernard said, monotonically. As if nothing was wrong.

"Bernard, I can't calm down! Kimi hasn't responded to my calls and everyone's been gone for a WEEK!" Naomi replied, hyperventilating as she said it.

"Calm down Naomi, I am positive that Kimi will come back."

"She didn't call me OR you! Something could have happened out there! IT WAS RAINING WHEN THEY LEFT!!"

"Mrs. Ella-Demonio, please refrain from yelling indoors. Yes, it was raining that day, Kimi forgotten about the weather problem; but to make you at ease, I sense that Kimi and her friends are fine."

"How do you know that?!" Naomi scaredly as she tried not to shout.

"Why, I just know, now I shall be right back." Bernard said, walking away from the vase he was dusting.

"What? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to see the others; and by others, I mean -as what everyone calls them- Deep Cut." He replied, not giving her the full context.

"Deep Cut? Aren't they the ones from that splatcast thing, and the people who keep trying to steal from us?"

"Yes, I like to call them 'Impulsive Tyrants'....I'm currently trying to work on being....friendly to them since Ms. Kimi thinks that's 'Too rude', I think that fits perfectly."

"Well, yes they do keep trying to steal here, but do you wonder why they steal?"

"I have no plans to know, as I could care less about them."

"I always wonder.....but anyway, why are you going to them?"

"Why, I'm just taking a lovely visit."

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