Chapter 14

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It seemed like Bella was even closer to finding out about the secret than Josie thought.

Especially since she went to the beach with her friends.

La Push beach.

The beach which Rosalie has told her to stay away from because she didn't want the so called mutts anywhere near her lover.

Josie hadn't liked the fact that her soulmate had called the wolves mutts, but then again, Rosalie had never liked the shifters from La Push.

Josie had heard that they even called themselves werewolves.

She had to scoff at the very notion.

They were not werewolves, she was a werewolf.

She should know what one looked and acted like.

Their eyes didn't glow gold when they turned, nor did they break every single bone individually like she did.

Their bones broke all at once, not feeling any pain like she did besides their first shift.

But that was alright, Rosalie loved her wolf form, she was a mixture of a dark smokey grey with patches of white fur here and there.

Josie sometimes just shifted mid stride and jumped on Rosalie or one of the other Cullen's for fun.

Josie remembered the day she first pulled that prank.

The Cullen's hadn't exactly known she could shift into a wolf and so when it happened, they'd been in complete shock.

It has all started with a game of catch.


It had been a sunny day, the very first in the month that Josie had been residing in Forks.

Doctor Cullen had called Josie's dad, Charlie, and asked if Josie could go on a hike with the family for the day instead of going to school.

Charlie has agreed, mostly because his daughter was a straight A student and the fact that he had loved the fact that his youngest daughter was hanging out with some friends, especially the Cullen kids who had a bad rep around town for being weird for their relationships.

Charlie has always hated how judgemental people could be, and was very happy when Josie had told him of her relationship with the middle daughter Rosalie.

Charlie could remember how smitten Josie was when she told her dad that she fancied Rosalie Hale and asked if Rosalie could meet him properly.

Meeting Rosalie had been an experience for the chief of police.

He could remember the girl knocking on his door, staring up at him with a hint of nervousness hidden behind a confident and polite smile.

She has asked if she could take his youngest daughter, his baby girl, on a date.

It took him a minute to agree, mostly to watch her squirm a bit.

This was his youngest daughter after all, but when he did agree, the way her eyes lit up, he knew that he'd made the right decision.

Seeing Rosalie and Josie together frequently always brought a smile to Charlie's face, he could see just how in love the two were with each other.

He knew that this wasn't a simple school girl crush, this relationship was ready for the long haul, he could tell that they'd last.

He was happy for his youngest, she had someone to cherish her for as long as they both stayed together.

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