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(Edward gives the baby to Bella but the baby bites her and Edward takes her back after which Bella appears to die.)

"Bella? Bella? Bella!" Jacob repeated over and over again like a mantra.

(As Jacob tries to give Bealla CPR.)

"Jacob, take the baby." Edward demanded.

"Keep that away from me!" Jacob said.

(Rosalie walks back in the room.)

"Edward. I'll take her. I promise I'm okay. Let me." Rosalie promised him.

(Edward gives the baby to Rosalie and takes out a syringe and injects Bella with it.)

Jacob: What is that?

"It's my venom." Edward said.

(The venom doesn't work so Edward gives Bella CPR.)

"You're okay. Come on. It's supposed to be working." Edward said.

"Oh, my God." Jacob said in shock.

"Come on. Bella, come on." Edward said over and over again.

(Bella continues to be unresponsive and looking dead.)

"I won't kill you. That'd be too easy. You deserve to live with this." Jacob said.

(In tears Jacob leaves the room as Edward continues to give Bella CPR.)

"You're not dead. You're not dead. Come on! No, it will work. It will work. Please, please, please, please. Come back to me, please, baby. Bella, Bella, please, please." Edward begged.

(Bella looks dead on the outside but we can see the venom is moving inside her body.)

(Jacob walked outside, he is seen sitting on the ground rocking back and forth as he cried. Seth and Leah's heart break for their alpha.)

"Bella didn't make it." Seth whispered.

"Poor Jo." Leah said. Not ever wanting to know what it felt like to lose her brother. And these two were twins.

"I don't care what he's done. He's still my son." Billy said with a frown.

"I'm sorry, Billy. I just thought you should know." Sam told the elder.

(We see Paul whispering something to Sam.)

"Bella's dead. It killed her. Let's go!" Sam ordered.

(As Jacob makes eye contact with Renesmee for the first time, he imprints on her, seeing her future from child to a grown woman.)

Jacob (V.O.): It's like gravity. Your whole center shifts. Suddenly, it's not the Earth holding you here. You would do anything, be anything she needs. A friend, a brother. A protector.

(As the wolves surround the house getting ready for a fight.)

"We're outnumbered." Jasper commented.

"By a lot." Alice said worriedly.

"I won't let them hurt my family." Edward said. He's still bloody from the messy birth they just had.

(Suddenly the wolves attack them and they try to fight them off.)

(Jacob jumps into the fray of the battle of wolves against the Cullen's.)

"Stop! It's over! If you kill her, you kill me." Jacob shouted.

(One of the wolves tries to attack again but Jacob turns into a wolf and stops them, Edward realizes what's happened.

"Jacob imprinted. They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed. It's their absolute law." Edward said to his coven mates. Answering the question they all want the answer to."


Sneak peak

(Bella still appears to be dead, the Cullen's bathe and dress her in fresh clothes.)

"She shouldn't be this still." Edward said.

"It's the morphine." Carlisle told him.

"Maybe I was too late." Edward said.

"No, Edward. Listen to her heart." Carlisle told his son.

(We see Bella's hair slowly thicken, her body filling out and healing, we see flashbacks of her life all the way to her parents holding her as a child, then we see Bella's face as her eyes POP OPEN TO REVEAL VAMPIRE EYES.)

(A girl brings the three Volturi a message on a silver platter, Aro takes the message.)

"Oh, it's from Carlisle. Which is spelt with an S, sweet Bianca." Aro said.

(He motions for his guards who appear beside Bianca. Aro reads the message.)

"He's added a new member to his coven." Aro told his brothers.

"Ah." Marcus said.

"Increasing his power." Caius theorized.

(Suddenly Aro's guards drag Bianca away as she screams.)

"First it's the spelling, then the grammar." Aro said.

(He hands the message to Marcus.)

"At least our dispute with the Cullens is over." Marcus said.

"Over?" Aro asked.

Marcus: Mmm.

"Goodness, no. Our dispute goes far beyond the fate of a mere human." Aro said.

"And what might it be?" Caius asked.

"Why, brother, I thought you understood. They have a few things that I want." Aro.

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