Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"Do you guys understand that there are only limited spots for graduation?" Leon yells out, his voice traveling above the wind. "Seeing as this is an easy way to cut out competition forgive me if I take it." The anger in his tone causes me to flinch. How could someone be so heartless?

He's going to push us all off.

He only has to get through a few more people till he will be pushing Sam off. Then, me. I'm not risking turning around to see who else was left. As long as Sam is still behind me I know he didn't reach us yet.

All for a spot at graduation.

I have a bad feeling this year isn't going to be so easy. If this is how Leon is acting, I know there are angry people waiting for the dragons to return. Those same people saw all of our faces too, which means we're a target to them as well. Great.

Maybe mom was right. I have no idea how to protect myself. I'm probably going to die here.

"Let him try, I'll kick him." Sam tells me. I wouldn't doubt that. But if she lets go at all, even to try to kick him will risk her being pulled by the wind. I can't lose her. She's my best friend.

"No, don't let go." I tell her in a rush. The wind making it hard for me to catch my breath. There's no way we waited this long just to die right away. We both have to make it through this.

"If he gets here I'm as good as dead anyway." She responds, causing tears to fill my eyes. She's right. If he makes it to us, she will die from trying to defend herself or die from being pushed off. I never would've thought that it would be like this.

"You can't kill inside your squad." Another voice calls out. "So if I were you I'd wait till you run into another squad on the ground."

"Is that true?" I ask Sam as I get filled with hope for a moment. Maybe Leon will stop killing us off, knowing that information.

"I'm not sure." She answers. I can hear the panic in her voice, crushing my heart. I can't do anything to help her where I am. I feel so defenseless, useless. Sam wouldn't be here if I didn't drag her along. Sure it's what we've always talked about but she took the danger side seriously. Never failed to make sure I knew we didn't have to do this. Now she's going to die because of me.

"I can kill who I want." Leon argues back, crushing any hope that sprouted. His cold voice making me flinch again.

"Try." The other voice responds calmly, sending shivers down my spine. As if he is fully confident that Leon won't succeed.

Another scream cut through the air.

He pushed someone else.

"Take another step and you've signed your death sentence." The voice yells out over the wind again.

My stomach leaves my body as the dragon decides to do another suicide drive towards the ground. A scream rushes from my lungs before I'm left completely breathless, unable to pull any air in. The wind pushes against my face, causing stray hairs to fly across my cheek. My body shoving back into Sam. Once again, I'm only still alive because Sam is behind me.

"Don't let go!" Sam yells at me, as if I ever would. I'm not sure I will ever be able to move from this spot.

"Doesn't seem like the dragon approves of your actions." The man spoke as the dragon levels itself again. Air rushes into my lungs, my head spins as I fight the lightheadedness. How I haven't passed out yet is beyond me.

"What do you know about dragons?" Leon argues back. His voice sounded different as if he was actually nervous. Good.

"More than you would think. Now sit down." The cold voice held no argument. It was an order, and Leon took it seriously because he never made another peep.

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