Chapter 11- Now

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Leah is pinching me not so discreetly as Darrin stands across from us, I swat her hand away and play it cool, I'm melting and not from the heat, my internal temperature rises at an unhealthy rate because just the sight of him has me burning up.

"It's really good to see you," he says, "how have you been?"

"Oh, you know, busy," I say casually.

"Yeah definitely," he stands across from us rocking back and forth on his heels and he's just as beautiful as he was the first time I saw him. We stare at each other intensely, caught in a moment of awe. I watch his eyes roam my face and it feels like I stop breathing, and it's easy to forget why I ever left in the first place.

"Ahem," Leah clears her throat, interrupting the moment.

"Oh, sorry. This is my best friend, Leah," I say flustered, "and this is Darrin, uh we met here a few weeks ago."

"Canada Day to be exact," he says grinning.

"Okay," Leah nods her head...connecting the dots, "Well Darrin it's nice to meet you."

"And you as well. So...what are you guys up to?"

"Oh know just happened to be in the area..." I say awkwardly, "we were getting froyo down at Yogurtz."

"Katy wants coffee," Leah interrupts, throwing me under the bus.

He looks between the two of us, "It's a little hot for coffee don't you think?"

"That's what I said!" Leah laughs

"Iced coffee," I correct her.

"Well, I'm done my shift but if you want, I can make you one of my favorite Ice caps," his eyes bore into my face, a question...a plea...he's wondering why I never came back I can feel it. I can feel the electricity pulsing between us, I can see his chest rise and fall, his hand brushes through his hair and I know that tell. I know there's a million things running through his mind.

"Thanks, but we already ordered," his face falls and I feel guilty, "hey did you get any good books in lately?"

His eyes light up, "We did, actually I set a few aside for know last time but you never showed."


"If you want them, I could grab them for you now?"

"Okay, sure."

Darrin disappears into the kitchen and when Leah looks at me, I can see the many questions churning in her head, "Oh my God! Who is that and why haven't you told me about him? Wait, is this the guy you called me about?"

"Shhh," I scold her, "Yes, and I didn't tell you anything because it was nothing."

The barista calls out our orders and we find an empty table that overlooks the patio. There is a small place card on the table with today's menu featuring a new frosted pink drink, I smile remembering when Darrin made it for me, he told me if I approved, he would add it to the specials. I guess my rave review meant something.

"Okay, so what happened?" Leah pries, "there is clearly hella chemistry between you two."

"Nothing happened," I say, fidgeting.

"Katy, come on," she leans her body across the table, "you showed up at his work, twice now...that isn't something you do if it's nothing...she squeezes my hand, "you like him you like him," she sings.

"Shh, he's coming," Darrin returns through the swinging white doors with a pile of books in hands. I stare in awe from across the room picturing things I've never what his skin looks like beneath that it just as smooth and creamy as the skin on his face...of course it is...I wonder if—

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