Chapter 7

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The next morning, I go to the police to file a report. I tell them about my stalker, but I don't mention Daniel's name. I can't do that unless I am sure it's him, which I am not. Days pass, I spend more time than ever away from home, searching for a new place. I avoid coming home at all costs when I think there's the slightest chance of running into Daniel, or even Phil. I did run into Phil one night, and apologised about what I said. He apologised about keeping their criminal past from us. He also said we don't need to leave in a month if we don't want to. I thanked him, though I definitely plan to leave anyway. As soon as I find a place, any place, we're leaving. I didn't' tell him that, off course.

In an attempt to avoid my stalker, I've started taking a different route home from the theatre. It's fifteen minutes longer, but it's from the opposite direction. The walking part is a little longer too. I also heard back from the vet about the dog I left with her. She says he's recovering well and will be ready to pick up by Friday morning.

It's Monday today, I finish university at two in the afternoon. For the first time in a while, I have the evening off. Certain that neither Phil nor Daniel are home this early, I decide to head straight to the apartment and have a peaceful night in.

Just as I hoped, no one is home. I start preparing dinner for myself when my phone rings. It's Lara,

"I got another one" she says as soon as I pick up,

"Another photo?" I ask apprehensively,

"Yes. Just now"

"Did you check the camera?"

"Yes, but it wasn't on"


"Someone turned off the mains power for the whole building. From the basement. The cameras stopped working"

"That means he knows about the cameras!"

"It's like he follows my every step!"

"What is the photo of?"

"Me sitting in a bus with Elias. It's from last night"

She describes everything in detail, when she's done, I try to get her to stay calm. But it's hard to do that when my own heart is pounding. I'm not sure if her stalker is the same as mine, but I did notice that since the day I got followed she hadn't been bothered by him. Obviously, he hasn't forgotten about her. Thirty minutes later, the police arrive to her apartment so we end the call. Feeling sick to my stomach, I check that my front door is locked then return to the kitchen to finish off making dinner.

As I cook, all I can do is think about what Lara told me. And I've had enough of living life like this. We need to do something before someone gets hurt. I need to think smart and act. Obviously, the guy isn't giving up. I'm finishing the salad when Daniel walks into the apartment. I pause what I am doing, my eyes on him. I know I'm probably overthinking things and coming to ludicrous solutions, but I can't help but notice that Lara got the photo just over an hour ago, and it takes about an hour to drive from her place to here.

His eyes are daggers. The other night when I was in the kitchen, he came at me. He didn't even pause when he saw I had a knife. But Phil was here then. Now, we're alone. I clutch the mixing bowl until my fingers go white, I feel my hands tremble. This seems to anger him more, his dark eyes move down to my trembling hands, then back to my face. He shakes his head in disgust and turns on the spot, walking straight back out of the apartment without a word. He slams the door so hard that the whole building rattles.

I lean back, relieved, dropping the bowl onto the counter. He left. He didn't come at me. He didn't even speak to me. This should be proof that Daniel has nothing to do with Lara, or with my stalker. I need to see this as proof and stop accusing him without solid evidence. But even as I think that, I know it isn't so easy. Since everything with Lara started, I have been feeling on edge. Everything around me is suspicious enough to set me off.

Friday comes and I decide not to attend my lectures. I have a big performance in the evening and I also have to pick the dog up from the vet. A day earlier when I saw Phil I asked him if it would be okay to bring the dog home temporarily and he said that was fine. I asked him if he could talk to Daniel about it, he just shrugged and said Daniel wouldn't care.

I get to the vet clinic as soon as they open, the dog looks a thousand times better than the day I left him. His skin is still patchy but already his greyish hair is starting to come through. The vet gives me a bunch of shampoos I'll have to use to continue his mange treatment. She also sets me up on a monthly payment plan for the vet bills. I will basically have to save every penny I earn. Looking at his big round eyes makes it all worth it. His front paw is in a splint, so, hating that I can't just walk him home as that would save me a bunch of money, I call a pet friendly taxi. Yeah, pet friendly, twice as expensive as a regular cab.

The dog is extremely shy, as we drive, he doesn't even look at me. Makes me wonder what his life must have been like before now. I'll probably never know. We climb the stairs slowly, wobbling up one step at a time. Once up, I let him into the apartment. Before bringing him home I bought him some dog food and a water bowl. The whole morning, I spend sitting next to him on a blanket, trying to gain his trust. At around noon, I go to the bathroom to shower and wash my hair in preparation for my performance.

Just when I'm done showering and drying my hair, I hear someone enter the apartment. I hope it's Nina. Or even Phil. Just please not Daniel. I tiptoe to the bathroom door to peek out. Just as I feared. It's Daniel. He throws his wallet on the table and drops a paper fast-food bag onto it. The dog is watching him warily from the corner of the room. He doesn't come closer, or make a sound. I can't blame him when Daniel is in question.

Lucky for me, Daniel has no idea I'm home. His back is towards the bathroom which allows me to look without being seen. He's wearing a white hoodie and black jeans. My eyes are glued to his wide shoulders. Daniel only seems to notice the dog now and stares at him for a moment. I wonder if Phil even told Daniel about him. The thought that Daniel might hate dogs and may want to hurt him in some way crosses my mind. I'm relieved when he doesn't do a thing, just continues as if the dog isn't there.

Sitting on the dining chair, Daniel takes his food out of the paper bag. I can see him scrolling through his phone as he does so. I don't know what to do. I don't want him to see me, but he might decide he needs the bathroom... it's even worse if he finds me hiding here than if I just come out right now. Knowing all that, I still can't make myself move.

When Daniel starts eating, the dog moves cautiously towards him. He comes within half a meter of Daniel, close enough to smell the food but just out of reach. Daniel pauses and looks down,

"What?" he speaks, "you want some?" his voice isn't all soft and gooey as most people's when they talk to an animal. He keeps his voice low and commanding, like's talking to a grown man. The dog and Daniel watch each other for a moment, then Daniel gets up,

"Fine" he says and breaks his burger in half, placing one big chunk on the ground next to where I put the water bowl. Only once Daniel sits back down does the dog gain enough courage to eat his burger. 

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