Chapter 1

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I walk down the hallway, looking for any kind of interesting drama. I know I should be minding my own business but- Woah. There's this boy, tall, tan, and his eyes. As he's walking towards me I can feel my face getting hot. I wipe my glasses, preventing them from steaming up. As he's walking past I feel stunned with nervousness and insecurity. I look back to take a double take, he's looking right at me. Dark brown chocolate eyes, staring deep into me. We lock eyes for a few seconds until I turn around, afraid of bumping into someone. I sigh, remembering to breathe. As I turn the hallway to go to Spanish class, I can feel my legs shake and my hands get sweaty. Oh my god. Is that my dream guy? His arm tattoos, his ear piercings showing from underneath his medium, dark brown locks, and those eyes.

I turn the corner and step into class hoping I'm not late. Miss Growth closes the door behind me. "Forest, please take a seat. " She demands. I nod and take a seat in the nearest vacant desk. "Alright class today, blah blah blah..... " Her voice fades into the fuzz in the back of my head. That boy.. He's the only thing on my mind. I know he probably has a girlfriend or something, a man like that is too beautiful to be single. I could never pull him. His girthy tattooed arms, he could manhandle me if he wanted too. He looks around 6'2, definitely a senior. I hope he's not too old for- "MISS FOREST! " I gasp at the sudden shout. "Yes ma'am? " I say with a shaky voice. "What did I just say? " "I don't fuckin know. " I mumble. "What was that? " She says with a hand on her hip. "I don't know. " I say a little louder. "See me after class ma'am. " All the kids stare at me disappointed and entertained with my humiliation. Some kids even give a few giggles and "ooh's". Ugh. I get out my notebook and begin taking notes.

Miss Growth sits at her desk waiting for the students to leave. "Forest, your grades have been plummeting. Is everything okay at home? " I nod. "Are you sure? Your grades used to be spectacular. But now-" The boy walks in the room. Oh my god. I fix my hair hoping she doesn't continue until he leaves. "Yes Nix, What do you need? " "Can I have the assignment I missed last week while I was sick? " She nods. "Anyways, Forest you need to pay attention more often in class. This attitude and not doing your work doesn't fit you. " She grabs a folder with the name Nicholas written on it in all caps. She continues as she fumbled through the folder. "This class may not seem important to you, but your a sophomore Forest. You must do good in school to make it to college. " She pulls out a paper assignment and hands it to him. "Gracias. " As he walks past he grazes my shoulder with his. "Oh, my bad. I'm sorry. " He says with an accent. I just glare at him. I'm never ever washing that shoulder again. There's a girl waiting outside the classroom for him. Yep, I knew he had a girl. He rolls his eyes at the sight of her. "Can you stop following me? " They argue down the hallway. "Anyway, I'm not going to contact your mom. I know how she is. But I'll give you extra credit if you finish these assignments, to bring your grade up to a 93%." She hands me two assignments and signals for me to get out of her class. "Thank you so much Miss Growth!! " I shout as I leave her class. As I'm turning around I bump into someone chest. I look up to see it's that boy. Nick was his name? "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. " He looks down at me. "No you're okay. I like your little thingies. " He points at my ear gauges. "Oh thank you so much, I'm not supposed to have them actually, but you know. You gotta make sacrifices to look cool. " He smiles. "Damn right. " I wave goodbye to him, leaving him behind. "Hey! Uh.. Forest was it? Can I walk you to class?" My heart almost jumps out my chest. I know he just wants to walk me to class but ME? HE wants to walk ME? "Yeah sure." He has a much softer personality than I thought, he's very sweet. As he catches up to me, I think. What if he's playing with me? Nah. "So who was that girl that was waiting for you? " I ask out of curiosity. "That's my ex. We broke up like three months ago. She won't stop following me through the hallways. It's so annoying. I don't mean to slut shame but, you know. " I nod. "She cheated on you didn't she? " "Yeah, with like three different dudes. And she had sex with them. " My eyes widen. "Damn well if my gf slept with that many guys I would flip. Your taking it pretty well. " He shrugs. "Well, things happen for a reason. I'm just looking for a good girl that's loyal. " He says. Wait, is he targeting me? "Yeah you didn't seem that excited to see her. At first I thought she was your girlfriend. " He gags and pretends to puke. "I would NOT date that girl, over my dead body. " I giggle, I never knew he was such a goodie.

The rest of the walk is pretty quiet, a cough here and there. I would give anything to look into those deep brown eyes of his one more time. I glance over to get a quick look at him one more time, but he was staring at me first. He looks away, pretending he was never looking. "Uhh, well this is my class. " Before I close the door, he stops it with his palm. "Wait, uhm... can I get your number? " My heart flutters. "Yes you may. " I dig through my pockets for a marker. I hold the back of his hand to balance out his shaky hands. As I write my number I notice how warm and clammy his hands are, he must be nervous too. When I leave to go back into the classroom, for real this time, I hear his accent from behind me. "Goodbye, Forest. " He says. As if we'll never see each other again. But we will on Monday. I almost turn around and give him a big hug, but I have to resist the urges and take it slow. "Bye Nick."

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