Chapter 7

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I place my feet on the ground. I lose my balance, but Nick holds me up. "Do you need help?" He looks at me with a mischievous look on his face. Almost teasing me. "I think I'm okay." I stumble my way upstairs, going through his room and looking under his bed. I open a drawer, "Ew.." I glance behind me, making sure he's not there. "What is this?" I whisper to myself. As I flip through endless pages of porno and naked women, I think, "What did I get myself into?" So this is why he seems so experienced. I flip through the magazines, and I see myself come across a familiar face. Long brown hair, tongue piercing, outstanding boobs, I could recognize her from anywhere. "IS THAT MY MOM?!" I shout. Before I know it I hear stomping up the stairs. He stands behind me, looking over my shoulder. "That's your mom?" He says, unfazed by the fact I snooping. "Yeah, that's my mom." He looks me up and down, and then looks at the magazine. "Do a little spin." "Why?" "Just real quick." I do what he says. He looks at my boobs, then her looks back at her, and looks back at me. Unexpectedly, he grips my breasts. "Yup, definitely your mom." I roll my eyes. What a pervert. He wraps his arms around me, giving me a long hug. "What's this for?" I question. "I don't know, I just wanted to give you a hug." He makes eye contact as he goes in for a kiss. "You okay?" ", Mami." He turns away. "Oh, by the way, your pants are on the couch, not here." "Okay.." I mumble. As he walks down the stairs, I toss myself on to the bed. "AHHHHH!" I scream into the pillow. I look back real quick to make sure he's gone. SÍ MAMI?? Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. "You coming?" He yells from downstairs. "Uhh.. yeah!" I shove my face into his pillow one last time, inhaling his manly musk. I'm not weird. I hop off the bed. "Hey, you okay? I hope you're not upset. I didn't know that was your mama." I flash him a smile. "No actually, I'm pretty happy." He looks at me with that glow in his eyes. I don't know what to say, so I just stare at him for a few seconds. "W-what do you wanna do?" He stays quiet. Did I do something? He places his hand under my ass, I gasp. He lifts me up, flipping me on his back. I had forgotten how tall he is. "You wanna smoke?" I go silent. He walks down the stairs, with me still on his back. He tossed me on the couch, and then goes straight to the kitchen. I suppose that's where he stores his second stash. I place my arm under my chin, watching him open another drawer with weed stashed in it. "So you just stash weed wherever?" "Pretty much." I wonder what his parents think about him smoking. "Do they let you?" "Does who let me?" "Your parents. Do they let you smoke?" He stays quiet for a few seconds. "Yeah, they don't really care if I smoke or not." I don't know why, but I feel like I hurt his feelings. He comes back over, sitting a little bit farther than he usually does. I scoot over next to him, so we're close. A little smile forms on his face. "After we smoke this, wanna go fuck around in target?" "Wouldn't the staff get mad?" He glances at me. "Nah, they never really get mad at me, my cousin works there." I shrug. He blazes up this time. The light reflects off his eyes so beautifully. I can't believe I met this man yesterday. He takes a bigger puff than last time we smoked, it looks like he needs it. He coughs a bit. He takes another puff, then hands it over. He doesn't even make eye contact, he doesn't have that glow he usually does. He didn't even graze my palm with his finger like he does everytime he passes. I glance at him while I take my turn. He lays his head over my chest. I hold him, hugging him and playing with his hair. I take another puff, a third one. "Hey man, it's puff puff pass." He complains. "Take it then." I demand. "But why.." I use my fingers to hold the joint in his mouth. As he inhales I can feel the joint getting hot, but I would burn myself so he could feel good. Or get that little high or buzz, whatever you call it. He coughs, a lot more than last time. I look down at him, noticing his pink glossy eyes looking up at me. I choke on the smoke, stuttering and coughing all at once. He stands up, and motions for me to grab his hand. I do, he leads me up to the room. Please don't tell me he wants to have more sex. Last time I was worn out. He slams the door, still holding my hand. He turns on the TV. He puts out the roach on the coffee table, while I adjust myself under his comforter and sheets. I feel a cold breeze caress my shoulder. "Did you feel that?" He looks back at me. "Yeah I did, I think I left my window open." I sigh, relieved. He stumbles over to the window, almost absorbing all the light with his height. I feel a hand grip my thigh. I look down, worried and uncomfortable. Nick isn't there. I panic, wondering what that hand could have been. He sits down on the edge of the bed. I can't stop twitching, I think it's the weed. I see something move in my peripheral vision. "Nick?" He looks back at me. "Can you, uhhh, can you come over here?" He nods. "I will, I'm just trying to find a good movie to watch. Are you getting paranoid?" "A little." I tuck myself completely under the blankets, covering my head. I feel something touch my butt. Before I know it, tears are running down my face. Nick peaks under the blanket to see me balled up, holding myself. "Oh lord." I look at him, not able to keep my tears in my eyes. I keep twitching. He crawls over to me, sympathy in his eyes. "I gave you too much, didn't I?" He says, sniffling at the sight of my tears. "No." I don't want to seem like a pussy. He holds me tight, keeping me warm. I stop twitching and feeling things, all I can pay attention to is him. He holds my face like I held his. "It'll be okay." He looks down at me. I look up at him, suddenly enjoying this little high. I can feel him, his warm hand on the back of my head, his chest going up and down as he breaths, his hair tickling the side of cheek, I can feel everything. I look down, focusing on the TV. "Can you stay here alone for a few minutes? I'm gonna go downstairs." "Yeah, I can." "Okay, just pay attention to the TV." He reassures me. He hurries out of the room. I wonder what he's doing downstairs. Maybe he has to poop.

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