Chapter 2

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I adjust myself in the passengers seat of my mom's Nissan, excited to get home. She starts her car and puts on her 90's rock. "So how was your day at school? " She asks. As if she even cares. She's just gonna go home and get drunk out of her mind anyways. "Good." She grins. "Well that's good sweetie." I go quiet. The rest of the ride is nice. We stop to get dinner, the pharmacy, and then home. We're about a block away from home when I get a text from an unknown number.

"Hello?" It says. "Who is this? " I respond. It takes a minute for them to respond, but once I get home, I feel the buzzing in my pocket. I ignore it. I stuff a fry into my mouth as I pick out my food and make my way to my room. Another buzz comes from my pocket. "This is Nix. The brown haired boy in the hallway?" Oh my god. I didn't think he would actually text me. "Oh hi, i'm srry my head is a lil foggy. " Oh my god what of we actually start talking? What if he likes me? What if he LOVES me? What if- *buzz buzz* I pick up my phone immediately. "Your good lol. I have a question 4 u tho. " I raise my eye brow curiously and begin typing. "Yea?? " It takes him a while to respond. Long enough that I watched twenty minutes of Netflix. "How old are you?" I hesitate. Should I fake my age? What if he doesn't like me because I'm too young? Whatever, I'll just tell him my real age. "I'm 16" As he types I can feel my chest start to hurt. "I'm 18." Oh my god. He definitely doesn't like me now. He's an adult. But he's just so UGH. HE'S SO HOT. "So what does that mean? " I bite my nails as I wait for him to finish typing. "I guess that means I'm a pedophile lol" The feeling goes away. Does that mean he likes me? He starts typing again. "Would you be able to go to a party with me tonight? " I gasp. A party? Like a SENIOR party? Like with sex and alcohol and music and make outs? "Yea, text me your address and the time and I can go. " I don't really know if I can go, but I'll do anything to have a chance with him. "Okay, 1606 George Street. 1 in the morning." I never thought he'd be the type to throw parties and such, well at the start I did. "Okay, b there." I scream into my pillow out of excitement. I GOT INVITED TO A SENIOR PARTY WITH NICK?? I couldn't believe that man would even say sorry to me when he bumped into me, now he wants to go to a party with me? I'm living a literal dream. I watch Netflix and I check the time every second to see if it's almost 1. I try to not think about it to pass the time, but I'm so excited. My mom should be drunk out of her mind and passed out by 12. "Be ready, some people at these parties can be... A lot. " What does that mean? I guess I'll find out.

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