🧡🩸⚠️just friends.

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When I woke up, everybody was already gone. I got up from the couch and stretched. I then looked at the floor expecting a horrid mess from the sleepover, but saw everything neatly piled up, and a " you're welcome!" Note from catnap. I assume he had some spare time before he left.
I didn't know what to do today, I opened the door and adjusted my eyes to the sun rays that blinded me. I looked around. None of the neighbors were outside, but it was an obserdly beautiful day.
I had an idea!
I ran back inside and grabbed art supplies. Pencils, crayons, paper, and sat outside on my lawn. I thought of drawing stuff I saw! I started with the neighbors' houses, but they were far too difficult to draw.
Maybe I'd draw the neighbors? I started but realized it wouldn't look good.. I started to get frustrated. I drew doodles of what came to mind. Butterflies, steak, bees.
As my drawings started to rack up, I folded them all in a nest pile next to me, then I started drawing something intricate! Something I KNEW how to draw, that was detailed enough to entertain me. My own house! I started to zone out while drawing, becoming unaware of my surroundings.

.: catnap :.
I sat on my lavender blue bean bag near my window reading. My house was the opposite of Dogdays, and I was waiting for him to come out.
When I woke up, I stayed longer then any of the other critters, waiting for him to wake up to ask if he'd want to hangout, but when he didn't after a few hours (catnap woke up around 7:30 and dogsay woke up at around 11:00)
I just cleaned up for him and left. I wouldn't even say I was reading. I was just showering through the pages. that's when I saw that orange yellow figure exit his house.

I didn't immediately get up, I watched him for a moment. I like to watch.
He looked around, wagging his tail, started drawing, and then his tail would slow down. He'd scrap a paper and look for something else. Before getting locked in and deep into drawing. I figured if I talked to him now, he'd be done, and I could ask what he drew.
It took a few minutes to walk across the road, I don't figure the entire walk he looked up once. It's when I stood at the end of his sidewalk and tilted my head when he still hadn't noticed me. This could be fun.
I thought of scaring him, but I had a feeling he'd cry if I did or mess up his drawing. So, I just walked and sat next to him. About 3 feet away. He still hadn't noticed me?? I crawled closer. He cocked his left ear towards me and looked up, a shocked and somewhat scared expression on his face.
" W- How long were you there for?! Where'd you come from?!"
I giggled. " I walked across the street. You didn't notice me?"
His face softened. He looked at his drawing once more.
" What are you drawing?"
" Home." He replied. Smiling and wagging his tail.
I moved closer to him to peek over his shoulder at the drawing, his fur grazing mine. His drawing looked.. alright. Looked like a 10 year old drew a house from memory. But for him, it was a big deal.
" That looks amazing, Dogday!" I replied with a smile. His tail wagged faster, and he smiled wider.
" I'm really proud of it! Where should I put it?" He looked back over at me as I sat back in my original spot again. " Your fridge? " He nodded.
Then, I saw Bobby bear hug exit his house and run over to us. He sat down on the grass across from me and dogday. What's she doing here? This is me and his alone time.
I felt my tail tap in annoyance as her and her dogday started talking, dogday showing her the drawing and her acting like it was the best she'd seen. I didn't even try to act like I wasn't irritated, my ears folded back a little, and I stared at her unblinkingly. When she finally made eye contact with me, her face dropped a bit, her eyebrows furrowing,
"Oh- uh- I have to go dogday.. I'll call you later!.."
She got up and scurried away.
I fixed my look before dogday could look at me.
" whyd she leave?" He frowned at me.
" probably left the stove on in the kitchen or something. " I stared at her house.
Dogday seemed so disappointed that she left. It made me mad. I think he caught on. I had a negative aura.
" Want to come in for some lemonade?"
He softly smiled. I looked back at him and nodded. He got up and ran in as I followed, leaving his art supplies outside. When I walked into his kitchen, I saw him already pouring it into glasses. He leaned back on the counter as he chugged his down. Dogs.
I hadn't even taken a sip yet? He placed his cup down on the counter and noticed me staring.
" Oh- you can carry your cup around with you until you're done! Just return it when yiur finished!" He smiled at me.

Play nice!  Catnap X Dogday Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin