🩸🧡 Tainted.

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Recommended to play the song:
" You need to be alone" by Azure on spotify. :))

Beware: long ass chapter

I woke up in a different room. When I first opened my eyes, everything was fuzzy. For a few moments, I couldn't remember anything, I could see anything. My vision was blurry, I blinked a few times, and everything flooded to me,  I was so scared.
What scared me most is remembering the sound of the cell door opening, I stood up hastily and noticed a blood red circle drawn around me. What was this? A fucking ritual?
Who's blood is that?
I started to panic. I was in some sort of room with white tiles and concrete walls, It looked like a lobby. But it wad so broken down. I recognized it from the tale of the hour of joy, our companies biggest scandal, but somehow survived and grew more popular..

I stepped out of the circle, I carelessly walked around until I stepped on some broken glass.
" Ow!" I whined as I lifted my foot up. I hadn't acually experienced pain before, not physically at least. In the neighborhood there's nothing to get hurt from..
My eyes watered a bit but I limped around, somewhat managing to walk on thr toes of my injured foot. Everything was so run down, but I recognized this place. But this damb factory is so huge I didn't even know where I was.
I kept walking around, hopping to see some sort of map. None. The posters of thr smiling critters were all scratched out. It made me realize I wasn't alone. Something was wondering this place, just like I was.
I was determined to find whoever it was. What if they're lost like I am? Maybe it was huggy? The company mascot. I met him once at a photo shoot.
He seemed alright.

I started getting closer to a cleaner area, no more ceiling boards fallen to the ground, no more broken glass, but clean white tiles and white walls. My foot started to sting whenever I put pressure on it. I'd been walking for an hour at this point, at this point tears constantly flood my eyes, but I didn't cry.
(Poor buddies face rn  )

(Creds to GOG0 for the art :))

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(Creds to GOG0 for the art :))

I sat down on a clean spot on the ground, right under a sunroof.
Where am I? Where is everyone?
I feel so alone. I just want someone. Finally, a tear fled down my cheek.
I couldn't help it.
I put my head in my hands and cried.
I've never been so alone, in a place I don't know, eith an injured foot..
Oh.. I just want catnap. Where is he?
This is so terrifying, I want to go back home.
I lifted my head and brushed me tears away. Still the same look on my face as I got up, and kept walking.
I walked into an area with no more windows about 50 minutes later. It was dark. I thought of walking back, I'd be so scared in the dark.. I turned around to see the asylum-room looking hallways and lobbies with all sorts of poppy playtime marketing flooding the walls.
I started walking.

It got darker and darker, the onky light coming from my sun pendant that glowed in the dark, I hugged it and took it off my neck to act as a flashlight. At this point I was walking on one foot practically,  my injured foot hurt so bad.. after 20 minutes in the dark I gave up.
I sat down, and cried again. Both ends of the tunnel having no signs of light. I heard shuffling beside me from the distance. But I didn't even care. Probably mice. 
I sobbed and sobbed.
How is there no one here? No guests? No toys? It's so. Lonely.
I jumped at the sound of glass breaking in the distance of the direction i was walking towards, foot steps. I sat cross-legged on the floor. Hugging my pendant as I put it back around my neck, I don't want to lose it or break it.
I starred into the darkness, nothing.. then, I saw it. About a few meters away from me, two pitch white eyes. Levitate off the ground about 10 feet.

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