💜 My favorite nightlight.

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I woke up to a sleeping dog still in my arms, his face buried in the fur on my chest. I smiled while looking down at him, then glanced at the clock on my stove, 10:22 a.m.
I ran my paws down the sides of his face, making my way to his ears and scratching them.
His tail started to slowly and tiredly wag as he started to wake up.
" Hey- we need to get up, buddy.. it's almost noon!"
He looked up from my chest, his eyes half opened, and one closed. He let out a groan and put his face back in my chest.
" Mmm.. I don't wanna.." He mumbled, barely incoherent.
" Come on.. we aren't staying on the couch all day like yesterday.." I removed my hand from his ear and started petting his head.
He wrapped his arms around me tighter, his tail wagging a bit faster.
I felt his head go heavy again.
" Hey- hey. No. You're not going back to sleep. Get upp. "
He groaned again.

I fixed my posture and sat up, almost perfectly straight. His arms were still wrapped around me, so by now, he was practically sitting with me. He let go of he and sat back on his knees in front of me, rubbing his half open- one closed eyes.
I giggled at his face and ruffled his fur before standing up and making my way to the kitchen to make breakfast.
I didn't hear him get up with me, so as j cracked an egg, I turned around and saw him leaning his chin on the back of the sofa, drowsily staring at me.
When he noticed me looking at him, he smiled and ducked his head down, giggling silently.
I smiled and went back to cooking. "
Cutie." I mumbled.

After I finished, I placed his food on a separate plate and walked back over to the couch, setting his on the coffee table and mine on my lap.
As we ate, he started to wake up a bit, becoming more energized and athletic.
We're polar opposites. He's hyper, and I'm calm.
He finished his food first and ran to the sink to start washing it right away.
I noticed the other critters outside, playing some sort of game.
I then realized neither of us had seen them since the sleepover.
I gulfed the last of my food and walked over to place my plate on the counter, dogday immediately picking it up and washing it in the sink. I raised a brow.
" I could do that myself, you know?" I told him.
He shook his head violently
" NO! I'll do it for you!!" He smiled and wagged his tail, i narrowed my eyes at him and talked upstairs, I started the shower and went back downstairs as I waited for the water to warm.
" Hey, doggy? I'm going to shower,  make yourself at home, and do what you want." I smiled at him.
" Didn't you shower the other day?"
He stared at me blankly.
" ...I shower every other day. You dont?"
He shook his head.
" I shower every 2 days?"
I shrugged, grabbed a towel from the rack near the stairs, and ran upstairs to hop in.

I sat boredly on his couch, occasionally looking out to see the other critters playing.
I figured catnap might take longer than I perceived and jumped up to open the door to go greet the other critters.
As I ran towards them, I heard them all get excited about seeing me, all running to practically circle me.
" Dogday! We haven't seen you in so long! We tried to get you out yesterday, but you weren't home!" Kickin chicken pouted.
" We even made up a game last night! But we didn't want to play it without you.."
Crafty unicorn  stated.
" A game?" I tilted my head.
" Yeah! We plan on staying up really late and then playing tag in the dark!! The catch is, is that we all have glowsticks on!"
I smiled and wagged my tail at the idea of the game. It seemed fun!
" Will you join us tonight?" Bobby bearhug asked.
" Yeah! Catnap will join, too!" I smiled.
The other critters got excited,  some chasing each other around, I looked back at catnaps house and ran back in, I saw him walking down the stairs, already dressed but with damp fur.
" catnap! "
" Hmm?"
" The other critters are hosting a game tonight! I said you and me would join! "
" Doggy - you know I don't participate in games often.."
He furrowed his brows and awkwardly smiled, walking up to me.
" I know - but! It seems fun! It's tag in the dark, and we'll all have glow sticks on!"
" Did they say where you could have the glow sticks?"
" No.."
He pondered off for a minute. Smiling faintly and saying
" I'll play."
I smiled wide, and my tail started wagging happily.
" Thank you!!"
He giggled, and we walked outside. I ran towards the other critters, catnap falling behind as he just speed walked towards them.
All the other critters and I played games all evening, catnap participating in some, but for the most part, he napped on a tree branch overlooking us.
I stopped playing in the game and pondered how he got up there.. I wanna go up there!
I ran towards the tree and noticed a format of thicker branches and started climbing them. Finally, after a lot of effort and a few scratches, I got up to the branch catnap and was on. He opened his eyes to see me sitting beside him. His eyes widened.
" How'd you get up here?"
" I climbed! " he just starred at me.
" Well- good job? I didn't know dogs could climb?"
I let out a nervous laugh. I pointed at a few of the scratches on my arms and torso.
" they can .. but not very well.. "
" Dogday- those are bleeding! Come on, we have to bandage those up."
" How do I get down?. I can't jump off like you!" I started to panic.  He pondered off for a moment, wrapped his tail around the tree. " Would you let me carry you?"
He asked. I nodded hesitantly..
He scooped me up onto his lap and swung down from the tree by his tail (monkey LOL)
I let out a shreak as we hit the ground. He giggled and set me down, dragging me back to his house and making me sit on the couch while he fetched a first aid kit. He retrieved it and sat down next to me, taking out a few antisectant wipes and wiping my cuts, I clenched up a bit as every cut stung.
" Why would you even climb up there to begin with? " He asked.
" I wanted to be up there with you.. " I looked away.
He scoffed and started putting bandages on my wounds.
" you could have woke me up, I would have gotten down and lifted you up onto the branch. Silly.." He said as he finished treating my wounds. I rolled my eyes at him and noticed the sun setting.
I got excited, grabbing my sun pendant and sliding it over my neck, then I grabbed catnaps hand and ran towards the other critters,  catnap running with me.
I think it was the first time I'd see him run willingly?

The other critters started getting excited, some fetching glowsticks, and some sitting in a circle talking. Me and cstnap were ones of the few sitting in a circle..
We sat beside eacbother, and while I talked to hoppy hopscotch I noticed his tail wrap around me as he talked to a few other people.
My eyes widened as I blushed and had ti pause talking for a moment,  hoppy hopscotch asked me what was wrong and I saw catnap giggle.
" N-nothing!" I smiled reassuringly.

Finally, it was dark. I sat up and started getting excited to play. Everyone slipped on their glowsticks, color accordingly, and as I put mine on everyone started to stare at me.

I don't think dogday noticed himself.. glowing. Well, I guess not glowing, but his pendant released a huge light around him. I looked at the other critters confused faces and shook my head. We were going to play like we couldn't see him.
Of course I could tell him to take his pendant off, then he wouldn't glow anymore, but I didn't want to ruin this for him in any way, so, me and all the critters nodded and started the game.
We all played normally, some critters would give up and target dogday since he was an easy target, for the obvious reason.
At one point he ran up to me and hid behind me.

" How do they keep finding me ! I put my glowstick on my tail! They shouldn't he able to see that!!" He pouted while giggling behind me.

After about an hour we wrapped the game up, I quickly told the others to not mention he glowed. They shared awkward glances and agreed.
As I walked back to my house dogday followed me and walked beside me.
" are you not going to your house?"
He paused and looked at me.
" oh.. right..!" He faintly smiled. Started walking to his house.
I felt bad, so I followed him.
" Can I sleep over?" He glanced at me.
" Do you want to?"
I smiled and nodded, he smiled back and his tail wagged a bit.
We made it inside and for the first time in days we slept in an acual bed.
We laid on opposite sides,
We both laid on our sides facing eachother. I closed my eyes and starred drifting to sleep, when i felt him snake his arms around me and snuggle against the nook in my neck.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his back.
" I love you.." He mumbled.
" I love you too."

Play nice!  Catnap X Dogday Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu