EXTRA [ Meet Cute]

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MEET-CUTE (and when it should happen)

While there are many tropes you can choose to include in your romance, the meet-cute is a critical component in every romance novel. It refers to the scene where the two main characters first meet, often in an unexpected, quirky, or memorable way. This scene is crucial because it establishes the initial connection between the characters and sets the tone for the rest of the novel. When deciding when to have the meet-cute occur, there are a few factors to consider that will impact its effectiveness in capturing the reader's attention.

In the beginning of the novel: The meet-cute should typically happen within the first few chapters of the novel. This allows the characters to establish a connection and sets the stage for the romantic tension to develop throughout the rest of the story.

After some buildup: While the meet cute should happen relatively early in the novel, there should be some buildup beforehand. Perhaps they are in the same vicinity but don't actually meet. This buildup creates anticipation for the meet-cute and can make it more impactful.

When the characters are at a crossroads: The meet-cute is a pivotal moment in the novel, so it's best to place it at a moment when the characters are at a crossroads in their lives. This can be a moment of growth or transition where they are open to new experiences and connections.

In an unusual or unexpected setting: The meet-cute should happen in a setting that is memorable and unique, whether it's a quiet library or they bump into each other on a busy street. Take advantage of the setting to reflect the personalities of the characters and add to the scene.

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