Chapter 24

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There was only two weeks until term break, Marinette had yet to make plans, Kagami was going away to Japan to spend time with extended family and Adrien was going to New York with his father for work.

The only possible thing she could somewhat say for sure was that her grandmother may be paying her a visit, though that was only a possibility with all the travelling and unexpected trips she would take.

Walking home that Friday afternoon she slipped in through the bakery door, her nostrils being filled with the delicious smell of baked goods, grabbing a couple cookies from the back she walked upstairs, as her parents tended to the customers.

Checking her phone she had no new messages from her friends or Damian, she grew used to the calls and they had arranged one for tomorrow when he was free so both could draw. Damian was surprisingly quite knowledgeable about fashion from what she had spoken to him about over the phone.

He would also give good critique when she sent pictures of her work to him, and in return he would send pictures of his pets. Which he had a large array of from cats to a turkey.

Grabbing her backpack she began with science, Ms Mendilieve had been strangely nice to her lately though it may have to do with her not showing late to her classes anymore that or she may be delusional.

~ In Gotham ~

Damian was ready for the day to end, he had only just begun the subject and still had a miserable hour left of his current English class. He was ready to go home, go on patrol and talk to Marinette if she was free.

At this point even some kind of rogue attack would have been better than the dread of listening to his teacher, a man so old he probably served in world war 2. Students liked his class as they could sleep, waste time or go on their phones. The only problem was that he was quite strict in his marking, especially for tiny grammatical mistakes.

Speak of the devil, he thought as he heard loud sirens blare, there was a rogue attack either at or near the school, students were to get safely home as soon as possible, most ran out of the room like their lives depended on it towards the closet exit.

He ran towards the opposite direction of the boys bathroom, seeing it empty he reached up to the ceiling vent and pulled a bag containing a hidden suit, getting changed he slipped out to an empty hallway after disabling the security cameras.

Slipping out an open window he headed to the scene not even two blocks from the school. He saw Nightwing and Red Robin already at work against the Penguin and his goons. His father had yet to make an appearance.

He quickly got to work taking out henchman after henchman as Nightwing went against the Penguin, as he and Red finished off his lackeys. They were quickly done and gone as quickly as they arrived. 

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