Chapter 27

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Finally finished packing, Marinette looked at her room, littered with items of clothing that would need to be picked up at some point, sighing as she looked out the window at sunset, how she had spent the entire day trying to stuff her suitcase.

Though reaching for her list she realised she forgot her art supplies, walking to her desk she pulled open her draw and grabbed her sketchbook and art bag, small enough to fit in her carry on, while big enough to hold more than enough pencils and basic coloured pencils that she could always add onto once she returned.

Tikki watched her holder as she grabbed a cookie and handed it to her, "weren't you excited this morning?" she questioned as the blunette nodded, "until I realised packing was a thing" she spoke glumly looking through her various colours, finally grabbing a few.

"How about we call Damian?" The kwami suggested knowing this was around their normal call time, at this point being a routine, which brought a small smile onto Marinette's face.

Small problem was her phone, "Tikki do you-" "not a clue" she responded looking around the mess.

"Maybe clean your room then call '' she suggested, "that could work" Marinette answered, grabbing a cardigan off her room floor, they did eventually find her phone, it had ended up in her suitcase which they only learnt when Damian called.

"Hey Damian" she answered,

"Hello Marinette, are you busy I can call later?" he asked worried due to the long time it had taken her to answer.

"No, not at all just lost my phone while packing, hey is there anything specific you think I should bring?" she asked, eyes wandering around her room.

"Not exactly, though pack warm, its winter here and snowfall is quite a common occurrence"

"Really, I've been wanting to wear these new winter boots I bought now I might finally get to" she said with an eager grin, reaching over to her trunk, pulling out a shoe box as she heard Damian hum a response.

"How was your day?" she asked,

"Adequate, I took Titus on a walk and spent the day with a family friend who was in town"

"Is this the famous John you've mentioned?"

"Yes Kent and his father were visiting as his father had a matter to discuss with my own, so we spent the day out at Gotham Park"

"Demon-spawn" "will you excuse me for a moment" Damian said as hushed voices well sort of hushed with the yelling could be vaguely heard through the phone speaker.

"I apologise for my sudden absence"

"That's fine, Dames but demonspawn?"

"My heathen of a sibling thought I pulled a childish prank on him"

"Did you?"


"I've always wanted to have a sibling to pull a prank, but I'm an only child. Is it really as fun as the movies"

"Much more enjoyable in reality, if you would like you can help me pull one on my siblings"

"Really!" she squealed excitement rushing through her

"Plan a prank as devious as you like, I'll be more than honoured to help you bring it to life"

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