Blue blood

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~no one's pov~

It's now the end of the day and husk + angel have closed the casino and they walked over to the bar inside the casino for a few drinks before they go to sleep. They were casually talking and drinking for about 20 minutes. " are we dat-" angel was going to speak but then gets interrupted by loud bangs on the doors of the casino. Husk sighs slightly then speaks. "hold on a second Anny" husk says, sitting his drink down and getting up, walking towards the casino doors and opening then slowly.

As husk is slowly opening the doors he gets knocked down on the floor because the doors got flung open quickly from outside. "What the fuck!"  Husk curses as he falls onto the floor. As angel sees husk get knocked down he runs towards him, making sure he's okay. As angel is looking at him on the floor, making sure he's okay, Someone bursts inside the casino. It's Vox. As he comes in he looks down at Husk and jumps on top of him and grabs ahold of his bow tie with both of his hands and pull him closer towards him.

"Vox?? What the fuck are you doing?!" Angel yells as he watches Vox on top of husk. "Get the fuck off of me!" Husk screams as he try's to get out from underneath Vox. As Husk is trying to escape from Vox's grasp he looks at his face, seeing that it has a large crack on it, he then looks at him as much as he can while Vox is on top of him and he sees that there are cuts on his arms, blue blood trailing from them, his coat is gone and he is not just wearing a white shirt along with a black tie that looks very beat up, also his mouth seems to be bleeding(?) black liquid from it. "I'm here for angel dust. And I-i-I-I'm taking him back whether you like it or not." Vox yells, his voice glitches as he speaks.

"Vox, the fuck Is wrong with you!" Husk screams, still trying to escape from Voxs grip. "Wrong? With me?? Nothing is wrong with me, I'm perfect." Vox asks, his screen glitching as he speaks. "I can never have anything wrong with me, my whole brand is perfect and I'm perfect so that-" as Vox was speaking he gets kicked in the stomach by husk, pushing him off of him. "Shit!" Vox screams as he gets kicked in the stomach, his voice breaking slightly. He's now on the floor, holding his stomach as he sulks. Angel helps husk up off the floor but then looks down at Vox.

~angels pov~

Vox..Did Valentino do this to him? Why else would he come here asking for me if it wasn't. I'm not that surprised to be honest but..I didn't expect Val to hurt him this badly. I kind of..feel bad for him..does he feel how I felt all that time with Val? I mean, when I lived and worked with Val and the other vee's Vox wasn't that bad..maybe I should.......

Without a second thought I extend my hand to Vox, who is still laying on the floor and holding his stomach, he looks at my hand slightly, confused. Husk looks over at me as well, also confused. Vox sits up shakily, sitting on the floor normally as his hand is still holding his waist as his other hand is on the floor. My hand is still extended, awaiting for him to take it and stand up. He looks at me for a few more seconds, seemingly unsure about if he should take my hand. He then shakily extends his arm and takes my hand. I help him stand up gently, making

After he stands up he pulls his hand away from mine and looks at me. I feel something cold on my hand so I look at it. I see light blue liquid all over my palm now...what the fuck is this?? Husk looks at my palm and sees blue liquid on my hand. As he sees the liquid his face turns into a sort of worried look as he looks back at Vox. "Uh..Vox are you alright man?" Husk says as Vox looks at both of us. OH WAIT IS THAT HIS FUCKING BLOOD? OH SHIT! eyes widen slightly as I finally realize and I wipe my hand off on my long boots.

"Of course I'm fucking okay. Now I'm taking angel and I'm leaving.." Vox says lowly as he speaks. "You aren't taking angel, Vox." Husk says, stepping in-front of me as he speaks, putting his arm out to his side, shielding me. "I AM. Just-" Vox is about to continue speaking but then he stops himself. "I..." Vox is about to speak but then he limply falls on the floor, husk and I look down at him as he's just saying unconscious on the floor now. "Vox..?" I say quietly as I look at him on the floor, he doesn't respond.

~no one's pov~

"Is he fucking dead?!" Angel yells. "Oh shit..uh..hold on." Husk says, knelling down and feeling Vox's pulse. Husk sighs in relief as he feels his heart beating. "He's alive, just..unconscious..ugh. Pick up his legs." Husk says, walking around Vox and standing near his head. Angel picks up Vox's legs and husk picks him up by his arms and they carry him into angels room (a broom closet)

"He'll sleep here for the night." Husk says, sitting husk down on angels bed made on the floor with blanket and pillows. "W-wait what? Where the fuck will I sleep??" Angel says, looking at husk as he sits down Vox's unconscious body. " can sleep- uh- I-in my room...tonight.." husk says nervously. "Ooh husky-boo~ I can sleep in your room? With you? In your bed?~~" angel say's flirtatiously as he leans towards husk. "Shut the fuck up or I'll make ya sleep on the floor." Husk says. "Ohh! So you will let me sleep in your bed with you huh?~" angel says, flirtatiously again.

Husk walks out of the broom closet and speaks again. "And now you're sleeping on the floor." He says, walking back to the bar. "Yeeeaahhh, sure I am husky~" angel says, following husk back to the bar and closing the broom closets door.


There, now you will get something in the next chapter you horny fucks😡 lol jk..unless I'm not..idk you'll have to wait until the next chapter to see

(Why do some of you want them to fuck so badly, your torturing me😭)

Also...what will happen with Vox, hm?🌚


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