Chapter 4 - Ruse

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.- ... .- . .-..

The moon shines upon us, and his features are now unmistakable. Almost like the light on the eve. Majestic.

"Lucifer?" I breathe in surprise. "What are you-"

"You... you didn't tell me you were getting married," he spits.

I squint at him. "Is that important right now?"

He doesn't answer.

"Why are you there?" I shout to ensure he hears me. "I thought we agreed to-"

"Shut up!" he yells. "You piss me off so much."

"Why? Because I didn't say there was a gathering here for my wedding?"


"Why does that matter?"

"You agreed to be my date."

"I did!"

"That'd mean you'd be a guest in this gathering!"

This gathering? "I don't get it-"

"I was invited here."


He's invited to the gathering for my wedding?

I purse my lips and shake my head lightly. "I don't remember inviting you." I grimace. "Then again, I wasn't in charge of the invitations."

"So this really is..." he mumbles, something I can't hear. But that won't stop me from pursuing answers.

"How were you invited here? I didn't even know you were real until last night!"

"I should be asking you!" Me?

"How would I know?"

"Why don't you?"

My grip on the tied blankets tightens. "I-I don't know, but-"

"Did you set me up?"


"Are you playing with me right now?"

What in the world is this guy on?

"I don't understand what you're saying."

He stares right back at me with the same annoyed face. I may feel tired holding onto the blanket with my entire weight, but I won't budge until he stops being confusing and starts explaining properly.

His glowing red eyes amidst the shadow of the night roll before clicking his tongue and yelling, "Don't move, or I'll rip you to pieces, mortal."


Lucifer swings himself, pushing the air with more force until over time, he is making huge swings. His eyes are planted somewhere above me. Then he lets go, hurling himself in the air, almost in slow motion.

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